Chapter 10

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Ky the Annoying Twat


Did you get your phone back

British Baby

Yeah... I got it back

Ky the Annoying Twat

:( why didn't you text me

British Baby

Awe did the little baby miss me

Ky the Annoying Twat

Of course

And you're the baby here love

My British Baby to be exact

British Baby

Oh lords

I was hoping you hadn't heard my voice

Ky the Annoying Twat

oh but I did princess

British Baby


Ky the Annoying Twat

And just so you know, it was beautiful

Ottoline felt her cheeks redden at the compliment. All of Ky's compliment so far hadn't affected her, purely because they weren't based on reality. Pure text-talk, as she called it. She wasn't sure how she felt about the stranger in her phone. Did she find him entertaining? Sure. but did she like him? She just didn't know.

British Baby

Oh come off it

Ky the Annoying Twat

You know

I'd love to hear that precious voice of yours more

British Baby

That's unfortunate

Ky the Annoying Twat

I bet if I called you couldn't reject it

British Baby

What are you going on about

Ky the Annoying Twat

Because you're a sweetheart, you'll accept my call

British Baby

You're hallucinating

Ky the Annoying Twat

And you're adorable

British Baby

You can't call me

Ky the Annoying Twat

I can

And I'm going to

And you're going to be a good girl and answer

Ky the Annoying Twat is calling...

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