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His eyes practically stared into me, like he was looking into my soul. Squirming against the wall, he was suddenly in front of me.

"You get out of him..." I said, my voice shaky. "You son of a bitch.."

Anti laughed darkly, kneeling down, letting his wings continue to make him look even more menacing. "You should've believed look what happened." He moved his neck from side to side. "Finally...after being stuck for so long, listening to him whine and complain..I have control now."

"You won't be for very long." I said. "I will get you out of him.."

He grabbed me in a choke hold, making it hard to breathe. "You can try all you want..but it's not going to happen. Here's my suggestion: you stay away, and nothing bad will happen..but who knows...maybe something will either way."

Letting go, I coughed for air, my vision slightly blurry as he stood up. "I don't care what you say to me." I said. "I will get him back."

Anti smiled, showing rows of sharp, pointy teeth. "Not in twenty-four hours you won't."

"What does that mean??"

He didn't say anything, just extended his wings, and flew away, breaking through the ceiling, flying into the night sky.
Slowly standing up, complete shock and fear went through me. I had no idea what I was going to do now...I feel like everything just crashed down on me even harder. How the fuck am I gonna get him back in twenty-four hours?? That's not even possible!!
Walking over to where pieces of the ceiling was, I stared straight up into the sky. It felt like part of my heart was with him in a way..with it's like that part of me is gone. I was just starting to be a little more happy after telling him what else was on my mind...then all this shit happened. Both of us didn't know Anti was coming back, yet here we are.

Looking back at the couch, I saw something there I haven't seen before. Going up to it, it was a piece of paper that looked like it was tucked in a pocket for a while. Picking it up, it had my name on it, and I tore it open, seeing a somewhat short letter scrawled out in the lines.

I don't know how to say this...but here goes nothing.'re not the only one who's been hiding the time you read this I'm sure I told you about Antisepticeye..but...there's something else.
He's been in my head for so long..always whispering something nasty..but I always kept it hidden. I know that one day he's coming take over my body completely. And when that happens..I don't want you to bail..I don't want you to breakdown..I want you to fight. I want you to show him that you're strong, that you will beat him. I know you can.

Please, me.

I love you.


Tears rolled down my face, staring at the note. I guess we both hid something we didn't want to say to one another. But knowing he believes I can save something I can hang onto for whatever's about to happen down the road.

Folding the letter back up, I put it in my pocket, lifting my head back up towards the hole in the ceiling, clenching my fists.

"I will save you, Chase." I whispered. "Just like you saved me."

Hourglass of Time (Chase Brody/Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now