Twenty Three

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The Game Master's eyes grew wide. "You have no idea what you've just done." He growled. Despite his threat, he took a few stumbling steps back to lean against a wall.

"I know exactly what I've done." Gerard said, aiming for another shot with a sniffle. "If you created this world, taking you out should end it."

"Will that really make you happy, Gerard Way?" The Game Master hissed, "To lose all I gave you?"

Gerard shook his head. "You took away a lot more than you gave." He took another shot, hitting just below the Game Master's heart.

The Game Master groaned. He began to slide down the wall. "Will this make you happy?" The Game Master croaked, "Going back to a reality where you're only second best?"

The tears that had been building in Gerard's eyes spilled over, running down his cheeks. "Going back to a reality where everyone is themselves." He corrected. He aimed another shot with a shaky hand. "I'll be happy when everything is back to normal."

The man locked eyes with Gerard, sending a chill up his spine. "So be it." He replied before slumping to the side.

Gerard dropped the weapon in his hands. More tears spilled down his face as he stared at the Game Master's still form. It couldn't be so simple. could he really have found a way out?

There was a thud to his side, drawing his attention away from the monster that had trapped him. Frank had fallen to the floor. Gerard hurried over, dropping down beside him. "Frank! Frank, can you hear me?.."

There was nothing readable on Frank's face. He just seemed to be blissfully asleep.

Gerard looked over to where Ryan had been, seeing a similar expression on his face. Gerard was in the process of turning to check his other killjoy friend when a wave of exhaustion seemed to smack him in the face. His eyelids were too heavy to fight. He fell flat to the ground with his hand on top of Frank's for one last time...


Coughing was the next conscious thing that happened to Gerard. He kept his eyes closed, continuing to cough as if he had inhaled an entire desert into his lungs.

Eventually his breathing evened out. He took a few breaths before finally letting his eyes open. His surroundings were dark. Colorful lights flashed and a dull beat found its way to Gerard's ears. Gerard pushed himself up from where he was lying slowly. It took him a moment to realize where he really was.

It was the party. He was back at Brendon's party.

An insane laugh escaped him. He was back. He was back in Brendon's makeshift dancefloor of a living room. He felt so happy he could cry; he was back.

He sat up, holding his arms out as he looked down at himself. He was back in his normal clothing. He had really done it.

He turned to his side, feeling his heart jump. His friends were stirring around him. They looked confused, but otherwise alright. No one was dead. Everyone was okay. He turned to his other side, remembering how he had been reaching for Ryan just before the start of the nightmare.

Ryan was still slumped against the wall with his head down. He hadn't started to stir.

"Hey." Gerard crawled to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking it lightly. "Ryan, wake up. It's over. It's really over!"

Ryan groaned. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking down at his lap. He started to lean to the side, but Gerard caught him. "I don't feel so good..." Ryan croaked, reaching up to hold his hand against his head.

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