Im Very Sorry!!!

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Now before you all talk shit at me ( which if you did, I wouldn't disagree with you and probably deserve it and I'd agree with them ) but!!!

I'm not discontinuing this book, I just got stuck finding a good website where it'll let me see the 3rd season of my hero academia without having to pay credit card and such

But I finally found one, and I seen all the seasons that were released, even the movie.

But I have a question, should I rewrite this book or not? I want to, just a little bit. To fix some things here and there........

This was my first Fanfiction book about my Hero Academia, and I wanted it to have Momo as a love interest.

But after re-reading it, and cringing, Alot!! Jesus all these misspellings and typos!! Oh God! I feel like an idiot! But I'm not beating myself up about it. I'm just... Very embarrassed!

Not to mention all those readers who types things about my book.

All good things, helpful advice, not to mention I accidental made this book a harem, which wasn't in the plan, yet I did it without even knowing.

I made you all wait, Too Long! And I'm sorry.

My excuse? I... I got nothing. I just forgot, literally slipped my mind, for a full year!

Man, I'm such an asshole, ( I'm just saying this to myself since it's true but it still doesn't fix it )

But I remembered now, plus I published more books over the months. And I've been busy with each of them.

But my question to you guys is

Should I rewrite this book?




And if so,

Should I make this book a harem? Or just momo? Or maybe include just 2 girlfriends?

( man, why am I thinking this? )

But, just one more time, since it'll make me feel better

I'm sorry, truly I am

Samurai out...

Deadric Lord ( BNHA  x Male OC )Where stories live. Discover now