12| Can't Sleep

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(Your Everyday Walmart)

Italic: Amanda

Bold: Charles

1:36 am-Friday
phone: Amanda Ringing...


"Oh Hey, what's up?"

"I can't sleep."

"So that's why you're up at one am in the morning."

"Sorry to wake you up."

"It's fine, how come you can't sleep?"

"I don't know"

"There must be something on your mind."

"I just feel jealous sometimes."

"Why is that?"

"Because I don't have real friends to talk to, no one to hang out with at school. I just feel lonely. And when I try to talk to others. They just ignore me."

"What school do you go to exactly?"

"Golden Valley high-school. You?"

"Me too, I've never seen you before."

"It's because I'm usually quiet. I'm not someone to speak in person."

"So your shy?" *laughs*

"Yes, and stop laughing!"

"Sorry just think it's cute."

"Cute? That's cliche!"

"Really, cliche. I mean we all can get through it can we."

"I mean I guess."

"Oh and about yesterday. I did talk to my manager and the police are looking at it. Thanks for giving me extra cash."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I told him about you seeing what's up. And since your my friend he doubled my salary for it. I know it's kinda confusing but you get it right?"

"So you got paid just because I gave you the information and he said because we are friends and you got the help, he boosted your salary?"


"Well it's fine honestly, I like to help a friend."

"Yeah...But...uh, you're feeling better right?"

"Yeah I am, I just went back to school three days ago."

"Oh...and remember how you said there was a guy eating the frozen fries from the freeze?"


"We caught him. Since we put security in the afternoon. They were runaway prisoners."

"Really! Why the heck is your store always so weird. And crazy!"

"Hey look, ma'am, I don't own it."

"That cowboy voice."*chuckled*

"Don't worry about you getting in trouble. Because it will be only blamed on the manager. I guess since he's the one who makes the rules here."




"That's cute. She fell asleep."

- hang up -

"I think she was worried about getting in trouble. At least I helped her sleep. But how am I going to sleep thinking about her voice and laughs. And how much it would feel is she was with me."

"What did I just say?"


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