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Anubis x Hermes {bxb}

A smirk played on Anubis's lips as his gaze fixated on his current object of fascination. Hermes was grinning mischievously as he jabbered away to someone - Apollo, no doubt - on his cellphone, and simultaneously yanked up Demeter's roses, tossing them impertinently over his shoulder. The Egyptian's eyes darkened, and he made no reply as his overly-boisterous cousin clapped his shoulder in farewell before retiring to Zeus's palace. As Hermes disappeared from sight under a hedge, Anubis allowed his dark eyes to pan over the view in front of him. It was beautiful, he supposed, but he much preferred the Hall of Judgement. Of course he would, he mused. He was a being of the Underworld.

The god's form shimmered in the afternoon sunlight as he rose and stretched, settling into a casually graceful lope as he sought out the pesky Olympian that had caught his attention, quite purposefully at that. He'd noticed that Hermes's glances had been more coy than shy, green eyes mischievous beneath long dark lashes. He, much like Anubis, seemed to prefer mortal attire, and the god was positive that the Messenger's jeans had been tighter than strictly necessary... but who was he to complain? Three thousand years had taught him how to appreciate art, in it's many forms.

Anubis's elegant stride became more predatory as he sensed the other god's presence merely feet away. He turned the corner, and there stood Hermes, in an uncommon moment of stillness, conversing quietly with the two snakes woven around his caduceus. His head lifted as Anubis came into view, and, almost unconsciously, he brushed a bronze curl out of his widening eyes. Pink lips parted in surprise. "Anubis..."

"Hermes," he acknowledged, leaning against the wall and allowing his eyes to trail up and down the Messenger's slender form appreciatively. "How... delightful to see you."

Hermes barely stifled a gulp. It was almost unfair how attractive the other looked, leaning so casually against the wall. Anubis was dressed in his customary black skinny jeans and leather jacket, and Hermes could practically feel his mouth water at the faint outline of abs visible behind the thin white shirt. His legs felt weak, and the other god had merely drawled out a greeting.

"So..." he started, desperate to maintain his composure, "Did you want something, or...?" Anubis tilted his head, dark eyes fixed on Hermes's own. "I don't know, love," he replied, his voice a rich, deep baritone, "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

Hermes's breath caught in his throat. "What?" he stuttered, his eyes lowering unconsciously. Anubis's eyes darkened, and a swift step brought his lips inches from Hermes's own. "You've been trying to get my attention all week. Those glances, the clothes, the flirting... well, you have my full attention, sweetheart. What do you wanna do with it?" Hermes swallowed, feeling a tingle of pleasure at the endearment.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he tried, eyes determinedly looking away from his lips. Anubis arched an elegant black brow. "Really," he murmured, fingers trailing lightly up his arm. His lips came even closer. "So it does nothing for you when I do... this." The final word was whispered directly against Hermes's lips, but Anubis pulled back right after, a teasing glint in his eyes. Hermes moaned at the loss of contact, unconsciously following Anubis's lips. "Please..."

Lust flared in the god's eyes as he gazed down at Hermes. "Please what, darling?" Hermes's eyes snapped open, and he snarled. "Stop teasing and kiss me!" Without waiting for a response, he grabbed the collar of that stupidly hot leather jacket and yanked Anubis's lips down to his. The other god chuckled lowly, applying just a bit more pressure on the Greek's mouth.

Hermes blushed as they broke apart, avoiding the Egyptian's eyes. "Sorry," he mumbled, releasing his grip. Gentle fingers found and lifted his chin. Anubis said nothing, merely kissing the Messenger in reply.

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