Old Frenemies

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Tarby x Lewis [House With the Clock in it's Walls] {bxb}

Tarby surveyed the room, leaning casually against the table. It'd been ages... he couldn't recognise half his classmates. Rose Rita had grown into a beautiful young woman, for example. It was almost a pity she couldn't interest him, not that she'd care to. He took a sip of his champagne, lazily trailing the alumni. Several offered him smiles when they felt his gaze, but one man, dressed inconspicuously in jeans and a decent dress shirt refused to meet his eyes. Intrigued, he took another sip, appraising him more carefully.

He was several inches shorter than Tarby himself, who clocked about 6'2, with a slender figure and a trim waist. His skin was perfectly clear and pale, and his chocolate brown hair was arranged neatly, though rebellious strands brushed his eyes. His eyes... Tarby's breath caught in his throat. Lewis. His looks had definitely improved with age - he'd always been cute, but now he was... hot.

Tarby set down his glass, flashing a flirtatious smile at the gossiping girls that'd been eyeing him for the past five minutes. He made his way towards Lewis, stopping to greet various people, but keeping one eye trained on the man, who started towards the exit as soon as he realised Tarby's intentions.

He was just reaching the main doors when Tarby caught up with him, seizing him around the wrist. "Lewis," he said. Lewis didn't look up, but his cheeks flushed rather deliciously. "Tarby... I have somewhere I need to be..."

"And I have something I need to say," he replied, slipping his hand into Lewis's and tugging them towards the bathroom. Lewis's flush deepened, and his eyes fixated on their joined hands. Tarby bit back a triumphant smirk. "Can't it wait...?"

Tarby gently pushed him inside and turned to secure the door. "I'm sorry," he said simply, gazing directly at Lewis, "For everything." Lewis inhaled sharply, finally meeting Tarby's eyes. He stared at him for a moment, and Tarby had never seen anything more beautiful. He bit his lip, fighting the urge to just kiss him where he stood. "Alright," said Lewis, quiet but firm, "I forgave you a long time ago anyway. Now, if that's all..." he started towards the door.

Tarby groaned quietly, then hooked an arm around his waist, tugging him flush against his chest. Lewis's eyes were wide with surprise, a blush darkening on his cheeks. "Tarby..." Tarby kissed him.

Tarby was kissing him. As in Tarby, who he'd crushed on forever. Tarby with his sexy head of curls, long lithe frame and flirtatious smile. Tarby, who charmed people with a blink of an eye. The pressure on his mouth was gentle, sweet, as though Tarby was giving him the chance to pull away. Hesitantly, he returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around the long neck and burying his fingers in the other's thick dark waves. Tarby groaned against his mouth, sliding one large calloused hand under Lewis's shirt and deepening the kiss. He sucked hard on his bottom lip before releasing it and moving to his neck. "Tell me to stop," he mumbled, placing wet, open-mouthed kisses against the slender throat, fingers deftly unbuttoning his shirt. Lewis's head tipped backwards, eyes fluttering shut and lips parting. "I don't want to."

Tarby paused, the shirt fully open and half way off Lewis's shoulders. He placed a kiss on Lewis's stomach, right where he'd punched him, years ago, and glanced up, meeting his eyes. They needed no words.

Tarby surged up, one hand pinning Lewis's wrists above his head as their mouths moulded together in a wet, messy, perfect kiss. Lewis moaned, hips jerking forward involuntarily as Tarby's expert fingers teased a nipple into hardness. Tarby's eyes darkened, and he released Lewis's wrists, allowing his hands to roam across Lewis's chest. Lewis's own slid up under Tarby's shirt, mouth drying as he felt those hard muscles. Tarby's face was unreadable as he leant closer, breath ghosting across Lewis's lips.

A knock sounded on the door. "Hey! Anyone in there?" Tarby cursed under his breath. "Yeah, just a second!" he called back, cheerfully, "I think the handle's jammed." He turned back to Lewis, eyeing him appreciatively. His bare chest was rising and falling, normally perfect hair mussed and draping over his eyes. His cheeks were bright red and his lips were swollen with kisses. Several marks were darkening on his neck. He looked utterly ravished. Tarby decided he rather liked the look on Lewis. He was sure he'd look even better in his bed. Tugging his business card out of his pocket, he slipped it into Lewis's jeans, chuckling as his eyes widened when he lightly squeezed that pert bum in the process. "I'll see you soon."

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