Tea party

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I was deep in little space today and I was so happy. I had my favorite paci it was full deco that was black and it said babygirl on the handle the centerpiece was a cute little snake cause I love snakes. I was playing tea party with all my favorite toys. We had tea (it was actually apple juice) and I had mine in a sippy cause daddy said I had to so I wouldn't spill. But I still had my teapot and poured "tea" for all my other guests who decided to attend. I was starting to get sleepy I hadn't had my nap yet today. I couldn't stop yawning "Getting sleepy princess?" Daddy asked walking through the door.
"Nooo" I lied.
"Baby you need a nap" he insisted.
"Nu uhh I wide awake" I protested.
"Come one you have to sleep daddy will lay with you" he tried to convince me.
"I can't leave my tea party my stuffies would get mad at me" I fought even more.
"Do you need a punishment first?" He said sternly.
"Fine I nap" I said pouting.
"No pouting" he said tapping my lip. I pulled my lip back in and rolled my eyes.
"Punishment" he said.
"Nu daddy I good girl I take nap wif chu now" he said.
Time skip~
After daddy punished me he gave me a bottle and we took a nap together. I woke up and he was still asleep. "Daddy" I said tapping him on no not this again I thought rolling my eyes. I just got onto him and layed my head on his chest I grabbed my paci from off the bed it had fallen out in my sleep. I just layed on daddy's chest and  I wasn't really tired anymore so my mind just wandered I thought about lots of random things I started playing with my hands and fidgeting around and giggling on daddy's chest.
"Baby girl what are you doing?" Daddy said grogilly as he woke up.
"Sorry daddy" I said.
"It's ok little one, your so cute I can't be mad at you" he said hugging me really tight.
"Uh Dada I can't breathe" I whispered.
"Oh I'm sorry baby" he said loosening his grip.

Ok I was gonna continue this and make it something significant to the storyline but I haven't updated in forever so I decided to post this now and I'm gonna try my best finish the more important chapters soon.

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