Chapter 1

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"Only you can choose your destiny,

but for now sit back and have some jasmine tea"


✖️ Eska Waters ✖️

You could my life was very well.......I had a very unusual life. When I was born I wasn't breathing, the doctors tried everything but failed. They presumed I was dead. A half an hour later my heart mysteriously started itself back up. The doctors tested and found I was normal.

The said it was remarkable because no one would have been able to survive cause once you die, you die.

When I was three I started showing signs of shifting, oops did I forget to mention my parents were werewolves, sorry. Shifting at any early age after five years was natural but I showed the signs when I was three, four and five. Yet, I never


A year pasted, they came to the conclusion that this scenario was a gene skip. I was exiled from the beta family to the last ranking in the pack and when I say last I mean last ranking in the pack called the ometalia. (AN; as you can see that is a made up title).

When I turned seven I was diagnosed with SCMD (Severe Chronic Mental Disorder) The symptoms matched the diagnosis but internally I was fine. Again this was unusual.

This process went on until I was fifteen, I was sent to a supernatural testing facility. The doctors there tested on me to see how these symptoms only affect me physically but what really shocked them was when they took a risk and gave me a rare cancer, yeah stupid but I couldn't do anything cause no body there or anywhere cares for me sooo...😒😕. They waited four days cause that's when I would die. Cruel I know but I wanted to die 😆😖😭. I now know I am officially going crazy. Anyway on the day I was supposed to die I didn't it went away like, nothing happened.

For four years they have tested on me and taken my blood to give to the sick but they all died. So they set me free when I turned eighteen.

For five years, I have been in my pack the moon beam pack. I mean yea it's my real pack but if I ever had a choice I would make moon beam, extinct beam (see what I did there 😋😎) Yup I am crazy . Ever since I have been 'home' I have been treated🚽. My mate Samuel Jensen alpha of the moon beam pack rejected me. Good right😄.........not😡.

Anyway i am over the rejection. Or so I keep trying to convince my self, it hurts physically and emotionally, but mentally it doesn't. Tell me am I making any since cause I tend not to. But wait that's not the worst part cause in every sob story there's a excruciating part. The worst part is that he abuses me adding on to all the others in the pack that abuse me. Yeah I know, so what it can't be that bad I mean he's your mate he might have some sympathy......NO.

He beats me to the point of near death. And makes sure I am always alive at the end.

But aye it's life, the survival of the fittest, the food chain theory. Apparently I am the lowest of the Low so I deserve to die and they are right i mean I am only human. I've already lost my will to live anyway.


I know it's short ey se lavi people it's life when they give you a brain you think and when you think you get inspiration no Matter how it comes, or in what size.


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PS. This chapter has been semi edited.
-Sexy Chica 💋

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