Fast forward! ⏩

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Heeeyyy readers and members!!!

It's kind of been a while since I last updated so in sorry about that. I've been getting ready for school which, for me starts this Thursday!

So here's another update to my little story.

Winter's POV

OMG! my first day of middle school is today!

"Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I shriek when I wake up. mom comes rushing in.

"What's the matter is everything ok?!" she worries too much. dad comes in behind her and stands by my side as I look into my mirror that I made with my very own ice powers! hey I look cute today!

"Elsa relax she's excited about her first day of school." dad says to my mom. he totally gets me.

"Yeah mom." I echo my father and then in seconds I create an adorable little frilly crop-top over a spaghetti strap and a sky blue stretchy skirt. with a flick of my fingers a little white head band pulls my hair back.

"Hey mom? can you give me a hand?" I ask and she comes over and braids my hair.

"I love it!" I tell her and I give her a big hug. then I ran down from my loft room in the castle to go see Olaf and aunt Anna. I know uncle kristoff's not home because he's got his ice business in the early morning now that it's getting colder.

'Good bye summer!' I think to myself.

"Hey Winnie?" I hear Olaf ask. Winnie is my nick-name.

"Yea?" I turn to see him run down the hall to me with aunt Anna at his heels.

"Want a warm hug?" He asks.

"As always!" I say and I jump at him. he's only about my size so I accidentally tackle him down and when I get up I see that his head is backwards! he stands up and searches for me.


"Hold still." I tell him and I twist his head back around.

"There you are!" Olaf exclaims. "oh, young lady you had me worried sick!" I giggle at his comment and I run to hug aunt Anna.

"Good luck on your first day." she says.

"Thank you!" I answer and I run out to catch the royal carriage.

"Bye mom! bye dad!" I shout out the window and I look just in time to see mom's eyes glisten with tears. I can imagine what she's thinking.

'They grow up so fast!' and I laugh at the thought.


When I get to school I search for my friends. they're boys and they're all a bit older than me but not by much.

I see one of the red heads come my way.

"Hi Harris!" I shout to him. He waves back and comes running to me with his two brothers Hamish and Hubert. They picked me up in a group hug.

"I missed you guys!" I screeched. I took out my iPhone and texted my overprotective mom, approving that I was safely at school with my friends and we walked to our home room class.


So yeah again, sorry for not updating sooner!

I luv u guys so much!

Remember we still have open:

Jack (surprisingly)






Thnx a bunch!!!😉

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