Chapter 1: The Knight Who Wants Adventure!

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I'm just walking down the path and trying to find a quest for me in my travels. “Laverne!” Huh? I turned and saw my best friend stop in front of me, and his name is William Nex. He looked at me with concern “Are you alright Laverne, you been daydreaming a lot recently is something wrong” he says to me. I let out a sigh and look at him straight to his eyes “I'm fine William just thinking” “about girls..?” he says with a smirk. I chuckled at him “No I'm not you better clean that prev mind of yours” He laughs and said “come on man!! I known you when your 17 when you found me” I chuckled again “yes I did found you when I was seventeen and you were sixteen” “ Hey! Your older than me for just a month” he says. I said “true but I am more mature than you, with your prev mind you are immature” “Hey!!!” He says. I just laugh at him because it was true that he is in fact immature and it was true when he said I found him when he was sixteen. Now how did I find him, well from the ruins I was just traveling and minding my own business, then I just well stumbleupon him there and he was just sitting there….alone with nobody around him. I got worried when I saw his face covered in scratches and bruises, so what did I do? Well I went over and help him, that's what a knight supposed to do is to help people who is in need. When he looked at me….he looked terrified from seeing me and….well he just hit me in the face which luckily I was wearing my helmet but dang he did pack a punch, put a dent on the helmet. And he did cry out when he bruised his hand, from punching my helmet. So I took it off, then gave him a “really” look he just shakes and whimpers. I rolled my eyes then shake my head, got up and help him up, then that is when we became friends and he came with me to travel.

Heh….such a good memory, so we are walking again and William is still giving me a concern look which I rolled my eyes at him but I'm glad that he cares and keeping me company for years of my traveling, I still remember the when I found him he asked me why am I traveling when I was supposed to be at a village guarding as a knight, not traveling where ever. That is true but what I told him is….

“I'm the kind of knight who wants an adventure…..”

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