Chapter 2: What Kind Of Adventure Will Hold

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“Hey Laverne!” “What William?” I look at him while walking “Are we there yet?” He says. And I sigh, then said “No William for the tenth time we are not there yet so please stop asking” “But we been walking for decades!!” He whines, I rolled my eyes at him then said “We only walked for one mile, but fine we can have a break” “Yaaaa!!!” He says. Then he sat down on the rock and take off his boots to shake dirt out off it then I sat down on the other rock to take off my helm to let the wind hit my face. “ Man, you should take off that helm of yours sometime because you could get lady's with that face and charm” he says with a chuckle, and I chuckle to but said “No I still going to keep putting on my helmet” “But why!?! You could kill the lady's with that face, do you want to find your first love of your life and settle down or something?!?!” He says. I chuckled more and look at the stars, said “Well it's late I'll go ahead and get some wood” “Hey! Don't change the subject” he says, I said “Just did” then walked into the forest to look for some wood….

After I got some wood…. I heard a noise? But don't know where and I also feel like I'm being watched, I looked around narrowing my eyes which I bet they can't see that because my helm. Someone is at the bushes but can't see them. But for that moment I saw eyes, they look curious don't know why but I don't trust whoever those eyes are so I put down the wood. Then I grabbed my sword out and walks toward them, they seem Panic with my actions, what surprised me is they ran off. So I went after them trying to find them but can't see them, still too dark out here I guess I have to find them in the morning just hope they are still out here. So I put my sword away and went back to the wood that I put down and went back to William, but I can feel their stare and they are following me. But all I can do is wait patiently and maybe just maybe I could see who they are but for right now we need some warmth. It's cold out here already, but this is going to be interesting.

What kind of Adventure will hold when I find out who they are

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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