Seneca Crane (Headcannon #1)

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Not all of my family was evil, mean. Well ever since I was a kid, my parents and I lived in the Capitol. My great grandfather was a farmer in District 10 and had a herd of cows. He fell in love with the District 11 escort and moved to live with her in the Capitol. My grandfather wasn’t a gamemaker, but my father was. And he turned evil and wouldn’t let any mentors give sponsors to their tributes and would try to kill all the tributes himself. Whether it was fires, floods, acid rain, it didn’t matter. So I decided it was enough and on Tuesday morning, when I had just turned 8, I gave him Nightlock berry jam on his toast. He thought it was blueberry. What a stupid man he was.  But he survived it and was in the hospital for quite some time. To be exactly 40 years. He got too old for his job so I became the next gamemaker. I helped the tributes as much as I could without being suspected. Sometimes I even go partying with the mentors. (Ever wonder how I got this beard?) But once I let a girl and boy go. Katniss and Peeta were their names. I knew something was wrong by doing that and I don’t know why I listened to their mentor, Haymitch, to let the little lovers go through. They weren’t even lovers! And this big mistake let ME to the dreaded Nightlock.


Seneca Crane (Heacannon #2) is coming in like 2 minutes! And it's kinda like a part 2 to this one.

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