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This takes place when they are younger. Katsuki is five and the girl is just now four, her quirk has not yet developed.

     "Kat...?" a soft female voice echoed in his ears, "Hey, Kat!!!" shouting in his ear jolting him awake. Attempting to grasp whoever had the guts to wake him, he lunged only to be stopped short by his bed, "WHAT- " the sound of wood hitting the flesh and bone of his skull resounded in his ears. Scrunching his face in pain he glared at the board of the bunk above him as if blaming it. Closing his eyes he groaned, thin brows knitting together in pain and frustration.

"Are you ok?!" The familiar voice spoke again but quieter, each word laced in concern for the ash blond boy.

Cracking an eye open he peered at a small girl. She had long locks of light golden brown hair cascading down her back and the sides of her face framing her soft features, she had glowing ivory skin that brought out the small freckles on her chubby cheeks.

Two round eyes peered at him wide in fear as her teal blue orbs stared into his own. "...what. do. you. want?" He mumbled rubbing his head to relieve the pain. Sitting up he glared at Benji, a red bump forming on his head, a headache was sure to follow.

She jumped up enthusiastically, a wide grin spreading across her face "Katsuki-kun said he would take me to the mountains with all the pretty trees, remember?!" Pausing to look at her his eyes lit up. Realization hit him like a truck making the hand rubbing the angry red bump pause, an equally large grin like smirk slid across his face.

"Yeah!" he shouted jumping up. His sudden outburst causing Benji to jump and step back. Her strange behavior slipping past the blond as she looked at the floor, avoiding his presence entirely.

"Let's get going! We wanna get back before night time." Smiling he went running out of his bedroom door, only to be stopped by a small cold hand around his bicep.

Turning to the girl with confusion written on his small face he asked: "Is something wro-"...

He paused his sentence abruptly to glare at her, she had her hand over her mouth stifling a laugh.

"Hey!" Katsuki's ruby eyes fierce

"What are you laughing at!?" he shouted as veins popped out of his forehead.

His loud tone catching the attention of his mother downstairs "Katsuki quit yelling!" His mother's loud scolding tone making the boy jump.

"Sorry Ma..." he called to the older woman downstairs.

~Small Forshadow~

Shaking her head at her son's vigor behavior towards the young girl, she glanced towards the table looking at her husband, she smiled. To anyone else, he would seem oblivious to the commotion shaking the house, but he only endured it. Having being used to it, he sipped his tea calmly reading his newspaper.

Glancing up to his wife, he razed an eyebrow at her prolonged gaze. Blinking once, then twice she met his gaze pausing in question, "he's gonna be a handful... isn't he?" she said softly as her face softened, stress and anger draining away.

Setting the paper down he looked her in the eyes, a soft genuine smile accompanying his face. "Yes," he spoke softly, absentmindedly gazing out the window. Looking back at her he smiled wider, eyes crinkling, "but its nothing we can't handle."

Nodding softly, she turned to the window closing her eyes and sighing before letting a breathy laugh escape her lips. The room was quiet as he gazed at her. The neutral gray colors of the walls and the black stone counters fading in his vision as the woman's energetic appearance filled his soft brown eyes. The smell of coffee and the buzzing of cicadas were comforting as he looked lovingly at his wife, 'she's beautiful' he thought as he smiled softly at her peaceful expression.

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