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^^ Third Eye Mk1 ^^

— Erin —

"I... should get to work." Kyra wobbled her way over to my desk, and fell against my back tiredly.

"Not on those wobbly legs and no sleep, my dear. Ask Megann to drop you off, and I'll deliver your bike when I come for breakfast." I instantly sent Megann an SMS, (making good use of my AI's possibly illegal connection to all the local Cell Towers,) asking her if she minded dropping a friend off at work in town, and then went back to work.

"Right... okay, that makes... perfect sense... I'll see you then, I guess?" She asked slowly, staring at my back.

"If you'd prefer I take you, I will finish what I'm doing in the next five minutes or so, but I was under the impression you would want the chance to pull yourself together, before you return to your nosey family?" I turned and raised an eyebrow at her.

She grinned. "Ooh, Yes, okay, that makes sense! Okay, well, I'll see you in a few!" She kissed my cheek and dressed, wobbling her way out and down the stairs, where I could hear her conversing with Megann, before I turned back to my work.

I smiled and set the guitar case into a shadow, allowing a drone to push it towards the base, and out of a portal there it opened on its own.

The Disk that Lobo has used was done being analyzed, thankfully, and it's tech had been replicated and distributed, meaning my drones could open small portals, though only for a few seconds at a time before they had to re-charge. I was working on having them all run on Dark Matter, but that was surprisingly more difficult.

The knife and Fatherbox were still being analyzed, with no clear end in sight. All the aspects of both had already been scanned, but a mystery ingredient was present that the computer couldn't identify or replicate.

I commissioned a third Infiniclip, this one with basic hollowpoint ampules of the Dendrotoxin, and then grabbed the keys to the bike, dressing in my new armor, which included a new system, a pair of sunglasses that had a heads-up display. Hopefully, it would assist with my lack of super-sight, just like my hearing aids could filter out and catalogue ambient noice, alerting me to any sound that was abnormal. I'd need to be able to keep up with these people, after all, if I wanted to be a bounty-hunter of some sort, like Lobo. Well, almost, considering I only planned on hunting criminals.

'Nomad, you asked to be notified when Lex Luthor's Stock had reached its lowest point... it is currently valued at $2 a share, a -2,460 point drop, the furthest drop in stock history, and cannot legally go any lower, due to the American Market Laws.'

"Good. Use the $100,000 loan from the League to buy all of the stocks that were just dumped back into the market, as many as I can get. I want all his stock. Also, considering that he just got dropped by all his investors, the number of Shares would have dropped as well, so I'm sure I can get the full 49% of those shares, correct?" I asked, and opened the Manila envelope on my desk, (recently replaced with a real one, after Diana fell through it,) placing the pages into the analyzer one by one. "Also, keep these on my private server, but analyze them on a back burner."

'Recording... encrypting... analyzing... setting aside; Anonymously Accessing Stock Market... Yes, you are correct. Only 49,000 shares are available, having been consolidated from 120,540,000 shares, -conversely the highest in stock history,- and all are currently biddable. You will have only $2,000 dollars remaining, if you purchase them... will you?'

"Do it, anonymously and untraceably. Leave no hint that it was me who bought them, and keep an eye on those, another back burner processor, at all times. His stock prices will rise up again, I'm sure of it. What's his net-worth, now?" I smiled, and mounted the motorcycle, turning the key and coasting down the road leisurely.

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