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^^ Έλικα-Helix Island ^^

— Erin —

I sensed a coming storm, if I didn't explain the near-nuclear immolation in the harbor, so I sent Megann a text swiftly.

'Don't worry about that. Tell Nightwing to tell the Bat that's it's been handled. Rogue Fatherbox Incinerated with non-nuclear Alien Explosive. My lab and most of my stuff was destroyed, sadly, but I'll recover. Terran is with me, and not dead.'

A few minutes passed, and there was a heavy knock on the door.

"Enter my domain at your peril, Foolish Mortal!" I smirked.

The door opened, and Nightwing stepped in, with five people crowding the landing behind him.

"Ahh, it's one of those. Alright, let's step downstairs, Terran is fragile, and he just lost his home for the second time in the past few months." I sighed, gently setting the little Atlantean aside, tucked in and covered in blankets, then followed Nightwing out into the garage.

'Should I begin rebuilding my brain?'

'Yes, but maybe focus on keeping it clean of outside influence, instead of making it as powerful as possible? Also, store all your hardware and data in the Fold, focusing on incredibly difficult to access locations, such as the center of the sun? That way, no portals can be opened to assault them without... repercussions. A good defense mechanism, actually, opening portals and allowing nuclear flame to incinerate any incoming hostile forces.'

'Oohlala, naughty Doctor...' she giggled.

I sat down on the hood of Conner's truck, and nodded at Nightwing, then looking at the others, putting names to them as best I could. There were a lot more than five, apparently, nearly filling the garage. "Alright, Nightwing, you wanna start with some easy questions, or should I just tell you all what happened, and you can ask questions when I'm finished?"

"I think we'd all prefer an explanation, over an interrogation." Diana glared at Batman fiercely.

"Agreed. Nomad is an ally, and has proven herself to be an asset in the short time she's been with us, and should be given the benefit of doubt, as this is her first major mistake." He nodded, surprising her.

"Not a mistake, actually, an attack on my lab, but we'll get to that, and thanks for having my back, I didn't expect that." I nodded happily.

Zatanna sighed, sitting down next to me. "Alright, start at the beginning? I left you at the Not-Fire, and I haven't seen you since."

"Not-Fire?" One of the green lanterns asked softly.

"No interruptions, from any of you, if I'm telling a story." I narrowed my eyes.

"Sorry, continue." He held up his hands.

"Alright... where to start... Alright, so, what Zatanna referred to as the 'Not-Fire' was my first faux-pas as a superhero. I smelled fire, and evacuated a building, only to find out that the 'Fire' was well-controlled oil being burned for a modeling shoot. I was subsequently embarrassed by and then asked to join the shoot, because I looked like the model, in figure, and she liked the idea of-... well, who I bone is none of your business." I grinned through the blush, and Zatanna cleared her throat.


"Anyway, fourteen hours later, she was done, so I gave her my number and then went back to the cafe, and had some cuddle-time with my other girl, and then went to my secret lair to visit Terran-"

"Wait what?" Superman raised a hand, then dropped it, realizing he'd acted like a reporter for a moment.

"Yeah, I have a Lesbian-Polyamorous relationship with a Barista and a Model, both to fulfill my emotional needs and to combat my massive libido, -which is legitimately hard to control, and I've seen several physicians regarding it,- and-"

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