Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 

~ELLIOT’S POV:~       

It’s 8:40 Brianna hasn’t showed up yet I’m starting to give up hope I mean she’s 10 minutes late it’s obvious she’s not coming. I’ve done all of this for nothing she’s just not interested in me at all. I sighed I’ve never been rejected before and I must say it hurts real bad. I stood up and went started walking away.

“ELI!” someone yelled I turned around and saw Brianna walking over she looked beautiful absolutely stunning.

“I thought you weren’t coming” I said she chuckled.

“You’ve gotta take risks right?” she asked I nodded. We walked in a peaceful silence to the tree when Brianna saw what the picnic she gasped.

“You like?” I asked she bit her lip.

“No” she said I sighed.

“I’m so sorry I should have taken you out somewhere proper I’m such a…” she cut me off my chuckling I gave her a confused look.

“I don’t like…I love it’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, Thank you” she said I sighed in relief.

“You know it’s not nice to tease people” I told her she laughed, she has such a pretty laugh I love her laugh.

“I know but it doesn’t stop it from being fun” she said I chuckled.

“Is there anything your allergic to?” I asked she shook her head.

“But just to warn you…I get a little hyper on sugar” she warned I chuckled.

“Okay thanks for the warning” I said she grinned. “You look beautiful by the way” I told her she blushed and looked down then back at me.

“You don’t look to bad yourself” she said I chuckled. I’m just so glad she came and she looks like she’s enjoying herself. I didn’t realise I was staring at her until she blushed and looked down aw she so cute when she blushes.


I can’t believe he did all this for me it’s amazing he obviously had help but who cares?

“What you thinking about?” Eli asked, I must have zoned out.

“Nothing” I lied he raised his eye brow but let it go.  

“So I have a few questions” I said he nodded.

“Ask away” he said.

“Why don’t vampires eat?” I asked.

“We just don’t get hungry I suppose” he answered I nodded.

“Why don’t vampires sleep?” I asked she chuckled. “What I don’t know anything about vampires and I wanna know” I said he chuckled again.

“We just don’t get tired” he said I nodded.

“Why do vampires and werewolves hate each other?” I asked he sighed and thought about it for a while then answered.

“To be honest I’m not entirely sure you’ll have to ask my dad that question” he told he I nodded and yawned. “Tired already?” he asked I chuckled.

“Not really” I said he raised his eyebrow “Okay, okay a little” I said putting my arms up he chuckled. I ate a ham sandwich while he watched me then he fed me a raspberry how sweet is he? I fed him a piece of cucumber and he pulled a face I laughed.

“What was that?” he asked I chuckled.

“Cucumber” I answered he pulled a face again.

“That was horrible I don’t like cucumber” he said and I laughed he playfully pushed me. “It’s not funny it was rank” he said I rolled my eyes. I started taking my heels off. “What are you doing?” he asked I rolled my eyes.

“I wanna climb the tree” I told him shrugging he stood up too.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” he asked I rolled my eyes is he for real?

“Aw it little Eli scared in case he falls out the tree” I mocked him in a baby voice.

“No I’m scared in case you fall out the tree” he said I blushed how sweet? “You’re so cute!” he said making me blush more.

“Shut up” I said playfully slapping his arm he chuckled and I began to climb the tree I got half way and sat on a branch. In a flash Eli was by my side I smiled and put my head on his shoulder he wrapped an arm around my waist. “By the way your letter was really cute” I told him and I’m sure I saw him blush.

“Thanks it took my ages to write” he told me I nodded and yawned again.

“You smell nice” I said while yawning he chuckled.

“Thank you, so do you” he said I blushed and closed my eyes within seconds I was asleep in Eli’s arms.

~ELLIOT’S POV:~     

I looked down to find Ri (that’s my nickname for her) asleep in my arms with a smile on her face I smiled and put her in my arms bridal style. Now I need to find a way to get down. I pulled her closer to my chest she mumbled something in her sleep and I smiled she’s so, so cute I like this girl way too much. I jumped out the tree which was easy because Ri isn’t heavy at all. I decided to just walk back to my house because if I ran Ri would wake up.

“Aw” my mum said I sighed she gets in my nerves sometimes.

“I’m gonna take Ri upstairs” I mumbled already walking up the stairs. When I got to my bedroom I lay Ri on the bed I never really use because as you know I don’t sleep. I took my shirt off and Ri’s dress off her, I looked at her perfect body I just wanna kiss her all over but I won’t take advantage of her like that, I carefully put my shirt on her and put her under the covers I never use. I got in next to her and wrapped my arms around her and let her sleep. 








- AIMEE <3 

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