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food and drinks were ordered. meat was placed on the grill for the four woman. hyejin and wheein tossing and turning the meat to perfectly cook it. alcohol had been consumed by each. yongsun's low tolerance already casting a pink hue to her face. wheein staring into space with slurred words leaving her mouth and her hands speaking along with her.

byulyi knew she was beginning to tip the edge of tipsy by the way when hyejin would lift a piece of meat with her chopsticks, byulyi would steal it. that's something she would never do unless it was yongsun. hyejin didn't seem to mind her though, even offering to feed her pieces.

byulyi truly couldn't help but gaze into hyejin's eyes while the younger fed her. she could feel her insides from the tip of her fingers down to the tip of her toes tingle. her heartbeat suddenly reached her ears, the thumping echoing around knocking around like a ping pong in her head. hyejin placed a piece of meat in her own mouth and continued to grab another for the woman next to her. as hyejin turned to feed byulyi, the elder suddenly leaned in and kissed at the corner of hyejin's mouth.

as byulyi returned back down to earth from planet hyejin, reality set into her and her eyes widened in fear. hyejin just stared at her, her expression unreadable, byulyi couldn't find warmth in those chocolate brown anymore. she turned to yongsun and wheein who were staring at her as if she had just grown three heads. her mouth open and closed as if she wanted to speak but truly she was dumbfounded for words.

"byul ah." yongsun's low voice broke the silence. byulyi refused to meet their stares. her tranquil heartbeat suddenly pounded against her chest and against her head causing her to ache. all she could hear was her heartbeat, thump! thump! thump!

"byul unnie." a shake to her shoulder made her turn her attention to her left. her eyes met with hyejin. that's when she knew. she fucked up. byulyi was met with a new hyejin. one she didn't know and didn't want to ever know. one that looked at byulyi with caution and confusion, like byulyi was a stranger.

"byul unnie!" byulyi visibly flinched at the volume of hyejin's voice. "i'm sorry." byulyi mumbled. she scrambled to collect her things and stood from her seat ignoring yongsun and wheein telling her to stay.


idk how i feel ending it here i'm just really sleepy and i want to leave it where it could be interpreted as a bad ending or happy ending. ultimately either way byul and hyejin won't be together. hyejin will never return byul's feelings. they either just make up or they don't :/

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