
6 1 1

"Hoseokie! I'll call you later!" Jimin yelled from the window.

Hoseok smiled and waved at Jimin before walking away from the building.

Jimin worked at Kim Inc. with his best friend, Hoseok whom he met there. He was a  24 year old hacker and he worked on floor 7. There were many floors, the top (where the boss works) being floor 29. He worked from 9am to 5pm, on weekdays only.

Jimin had a few other jobs beside working at Kim Inc. He also worked as a barista on weekends, sometimes on weekends he'd also play guitar and sing for passers-by on a bridge just for fun but people gave him a few dollars here and there but his favourite job was after work, from 6pm to 8, he'd take care of senior citizens at a nursing home. He was well liked for his kind attitude towards everyone and made a few friends amongst caretakers and the elderly.

Jimin looked at the time. "5:29. I should have left a while ago." He hastily switched his desktop off, took his stuff and with his phone in hand walked to the elevator. On the 4th floor, the doors opened and a man quickly slipped in. 

The man's light brown hair was tousled and messy, bangs sticking on to his forehead as beads of sweat laid there. His navy blue, plaid shirt was tucked out of his black ripped jeans and all he carried was a clipboard and his phone. Staring at him, Jimin thought he was quite attractive. 

Jimin leaned against the wall, not saying anything but the man would look at Jimin for a few seconds and then go back to his phone. Jimin didn't mind because he already knew that he was quite handsome.

Suddenly, the elevator stopped. Both men glanced at each other worriedly. "Oh come on! Just my luck." the brown haired said. Jimin chuckled, "I wouldn't consider this luck, hun." The other's head shot up at the remark. "Who do you think you are to reply me that way?" he glared.

Jimin laughed, "Who do you think you are to be looking at me every minute. I know i'm sexy but it's kind of uncomfortable." His cheeks dusted a light pink before continuing to glare at Jimin. Jimin simply looked on amused.

The brown haired smiled and said, "Nah. M' just joking. I'm Kim. Kim Taehyung, the boss' secretary." Jimin shook his outstretched hand. "I'm Jimin, one of the hackers on the 7th floor." 

"The boss talks quite a lot about you and some guy named Ho- something. He says you guys are really good at your jobs."

"Hoseok. Ah, and thank you."

Jimin soon sat on the floor getting tired. "So....what do you want to do?" Taehyung winced at the slight hesitance in his voice. Jimin looked at him and Taehyung almost cooed at how cute the boy looked. "I don't know." 

Taehyung cleared his throat and smirked. "I have an idea but you need to stand up." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows before getting up from the floor. As he got up, Taehyung pushed him against the wall, with a smirk still present on his face.

"What the hell! I'll kick your balls if you try to rape me!" Jimin yelled. Taehyung only chuckled examining Jimin's face closely. Jimin also studied Taehyung's features from his eyes to the little scar on his nose. When he looked at his lips, he accidentally blurted out, "You have no idea how bad I want to slap that stupid smirk off of your face."

"Why don't you kiss it off?"

Jimin's eyes immediately met Taehyung's brown orbs and started to rant. "Oh my god, you have no idea what I thought you just said. Oh god, it sounded like you said that I sho-"

Jimin was cut off with a pair of lips meeting his. His eyes widening but Taehyung's lips were so soft that he couldn't help but kiss back. Taehyung's hands found their way around Jimin's hips holding him tightly as Jimin rested his small hands on Taehyung's cheek. Both enjoyed making out with the other and they stopped after a minute to catch their breath. 


"Wow indeed."

Jimin stared at Taehyung's now swollen lips before whispering, "I think you should call the boss or something, I need to be getting home soon."

Taehyung, embarassed and flustered, fumbled with his phone as he dialed the boss. "Yeah, he'll check if the elevator switch was turned off."

Awkward silence filled the elevator as Taehyung tapped his foot lightly against the floor. It agitated Jimin but he refused to comment on it. Soon, the elevator made a loud noise before the buttons lit up and the elevator continued downwards yet Taehyung still tapped the floor lightly.

As the elevator stopped on the ground floor, right before the door opened, Jimin said clearly, "I'd prefer if you not tap your foot on the floor....Mr. Kim." he cheekily smiled before exiting as soon as possible leaving Taehyung to stare at him from behind.

While Jimin walked down the street, he licked his lips remembering the feeling of Taehyung's soft lips on his.


Jimin and Taehyung work together, making out almost everyday in the elevator before and after work. Soon enough, their paths start to cross more often in ways they'd never expect.


"What the fuck!"

"What? How was I supposed to know that the guy I make out with in the elevator is also my grandmother's care taker?!"

".....Wanna make out though?"

"Uhhh, yes!"

"Jimin-ah! Can I have some toilet paper??"

(credits to otp-prompts-and-fanfic-ideas on tumblr

 https://otp-fanfic-ideas.tumblr.com/   )

Admin Jouta has great prompts and ideas there! <3 ^^

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