Chapter 17

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HOWDY PEEPS. This may be one of my favourite chapters so far. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT. THANKS FOR ALL BEING SO PATENT WITH ME!!

It was a chilly morning. The kind of chill that  turned the students' breath into smoky wisps. Along with the chill came a hum of excitement. Today was the last day of the term and many students were looking forward to heading home for Christmas. (I'm a little late right.......never mind) 

Frisk, was one of these people. She was very excited to get away from school drama for 2 weeks. Despite that, she did feel a little bad about leaving.

After what had happened 3 days prior with Papyrus, she had been feeling a little flat. Strangely, even after everything Pap had said, her feelings about Sans hadn't changed. He was still a good for nothing bully who had yet to make any attempt to prove her wrong. These feelings he clearly shared with her. His continued attempts to bully of her were more annoying then dis-hearting. He hated her and made sure that she knew it.

Did this bother her? She didn't give a dam about what he thought. Papyrus however? that was different. She felt bad for making him so upset.

What made her feel worse is that when he'd came back the dorm that other night. He hadn't been angry or even sad. He had acted completely normal. She wasn't sure why, but it made her feel worse.

Frisk sighed, creating a wisp of smoke with her breath. She smiled remembering how her sister used to run around pretending to be a dragon. But her smile then dropped. Chara couldn't walk anymore let alone run. Placing her hand on her chest and pressing lightly, she could almost feel her scar. She couldn't through her shirt, but it almost felt like she could.

"What are you doing idiot?" she heard as a weight was applied to her shoulder. Folding her arms and turning her head slightly to face him, she said "good morning fellow idiot"

Flowey scoffed curling his vine-like tail through her already messy hair. "i repeat......what are you doing?"

Frisk looked away "hmmmmmm I don't know.....just thinking about the easiest ways to slip weed killer into your food" she said sarcastically.

Flowey flicked her in the ear with his tail "idiot" he muttered

Chuckling, Frisk rubbed her ear. "ow" she said, while laughing. Flowey just fluffed his wings and grumbled. "You better not act like this over the holidays".

Frisk rolled her eyes. That's right she had to take him home over Christmas..... it was part of her course. Taking her dragon home and continuing to train it, should be fun.

"I'll try" she replied "but only it you let me teach you something". He just gave her a blank stare "we'll see".

Frisk lent her back against the wall, as Flowey hopped of her shoulder. What a day she thought, as she looked out across the caught-yard from the entrance to the dorms were she was stood. Her eyes moved up to one of the windows on the top floor. The Head master's office. He was glaring at her through the window.

She blinked, shaking her head a little. He wasn't at the window. Had he even been there?.......Perhaps  she was just tired. She yawned confirming that theory. That was weird.

Hearing a door open on the other side of the yard, she looked away. A group of first years had walked onto the caught-yard on their way to the dorms. Oh and Papyrus was with them. He was reading a book in his hand and he was still limping. Pap looked up. Spying Frisk, he waved at her. She went to wave back.......but

Then she heard something else. A kind of bellow. The group of first years must have heard it to because they all froze. Pap closed his book and limped over to them. The bellow sounded again....only slightly louder. Flowey hissed and Frisk took a step back into the dorm. Only to feel something run into her. It was Sans. He shoved her out of the way, Muttering under his breath.

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