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Prompt: The wonderful and exciting day that is the new year is fast-approaching, and every country in the world is celebrating the future of their people and nations as a whole. However, a certain liberty-loving Mercia gets a little too celebratory after drinking too much of her favorite champagne while watching the ball drop in Times Square. Over time, she finds herself stumbling around her own country until she "magically teleports" to....Alaska? Collapsing into someones arms...then....nothing... "What the hell happened last night...?"


Confetti blasted from the sides of the large, crystal ball as it dropped from its once, high spot in the sky to meet the thousands of fellow New Yorkers as they kissed, drank, cheered, and did just about everything else a typical New Yorker would do when the clock finally struck midnight on New Years' Eve. However, there was one particular woman in the audience who was much different than her fellow, human counterparts. The literal representation of the superpower itself, America cheered and drank along with the crowd, her warm disguise keeping her from the public eye.

After getting the initial joy and energy of the hype out of her system, America found herself looking down at her champagne glass, a slight pout crossing her features for a moment. She half-wished that she could present herself to her citizens and wish them all a Happy, lovely new year with their friends and family, but she then remembered the laws of the U.N that regulated her from doing so. Mercia never really saw or understood the reasoning as to why she couldn't at least say "hello" every now and then. However, the normally, extremely rebellious nature she had was halted at the fact that the other nations would sanction the living hell out of her if she even attempted to present herself to her citizens.

"Ugghhhh...." She quietly groaned before the tip of her tongue ever-so-slightly touched her bottom lip 'Damn U.N. and their restrictions. I can barley go outside the White House without getting yelled at. Heh, good thing most of the secret service agents are off tonight. Those sons of b*tches woulda never let me out if it wasn't somethin' important." The young nation thought. The rebellious Mercia looked at the bottle of alcohol she was holding in her left hand, it was already 1/3 of the way gone and the bubbles were starting to fade away anyway...

Ah f*ck it, it's the new Year...

"Might as well get drunk off my ass." America chuckled before downing the bottle in her hand while waiting for the performance to start.

1:25 AM

Everything was spinning and fuzzy and warm and happy and lovely and wonderful all because of...of....

"Wait, wait, wai- What was I-uhh...talking bout'' America slurred as she halted her walk around someplace new, another empty bottle of champagne in her other hand. The normally strong-willed woman was drunk, drunk off her ass to be precise. Her cheeks down to her chest were flushed red, her eyes half-lidded, and her movements were sloppy and poorly planned, almost as if her brain and nerves had gotten drunk themselves.

After the performance had ended, the young nation had found herself wandering around different parts of the country. She remembered being in New York, some of Kentucky, a few fragments of Idaho, and Los Angeles...?

"Hahaha! That was sooooo fuuunnnnnnn. Wonder if anyon' else got a party goin' on. Cuz' it ain't no party until America arrives!!!" She shouted happily before walking off in a random direction in search of bright lights and more alcohol.

2:50 AM

Trudging through the snow, Mercia slowly found herself getting colder and colder despite feeling "warm and fuzzy" on the inside. She had somehow "teleported" again, this time to someplace cold and tundra-like. She looked around as she walked, seeing nothing other than miles upon miles of snow along with the snowflakes that were rapidly flying by in the now high-speed wind.

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