Chapter 2: Meeting the Akatsuki

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(Kirai's POV)

I've been following this raven haired man for so many hours now, then realization hit me like a tone of brick. I don't know his name and the first thing my now deceased mother taught me is never to follow a stranger and now I'm doing the exact opposite of it, but then again she's gone. As I thought about this, a dreadful feeling wash over. I feel empty knowing that I should have stayed with them then the massacre would have not happened. I blame myself for not staying with my parents and pushing them away because I am so very selfish and thought to myself that if I'm not there with them then their burden will be lessen and the other clan members will not bother them because of me. I didn't even consider the feelings of my parents. I was disturbed in my train of thoughts when we have suddenly come to halt. I look at my surroundings and all I see are trees and a big boulder at the front. I don't know why we stop, and I was about to ask about it but he suddenly make a few handsigns and the boulder suddenly disappeared and in it's place is a cave. The man walked in the cave, so I followed him. As we walked deeper we heard someone arguing.The noise is getting louder as we are nearing. When we came to what I see as the living room, I saw the source of the noise. It comes from a man with white hair, and a woman that has long blonde hair that was pony tailed. Both of them are arguing the guy is swearing at the woman while she continues to throw insults at the man. They were naming names and degrading with each other, but they suddenly stop. I think they realize that they have an audience that is watching them. The white haired man turns around and look straight at me then said " What are you f****ing looking at b*tch?! And what the f*** you doing here?" I didn't anwered but the man I was following replied " Hn. I need to talk and take her to leader-sama. " The white haired man cursed the raven haired man saying like "d*mn Uchihas, thinking that they' re superior than anyone else" while the raven haired man walk out the living room to go to 'leader-sama' I just followed because I have nowhere to go.

( Time Skip to the leader-sama's office)

(3rd POV)

The raven haired man knock at the leader's office and in reply the leader said "come in" The raven haired man come in the office while the little is following him inside. The Leader look up and said " Is the mission successful Itachi? And why did you bring a child here Itachi? And what's her name"The man known as Itachi replied " The mission is successful leader-sama and I brought this child here because I felt an immense power inside of her and also because she has a potential in being one of us with correct training she can beat me in a fight, and her name is Shiroko Kirai Ikarawaya, leader-sama" The leader look at the and observed her then after about 5 mins he replied " Itachi I will put you responsible of her. Your the one who found her then you will be the one to take care of her and train her in the ways of shinobi. Introduce her to the other members then show her to your room because she will be sleeping with you, I cannot let her roam freely yet she must show her loyalty to the organization. Now, dismiss." The 2 then walk out the room to meet the other members. They both went to the living and saw that everyone is there. The other members immediately took notice to the new presence and they only look at Itachi and the girl beside him.

( Itachi's POV )

" Everyone meet our new member and introduce yourself" I said to the other members. They introduce themselves to Kuroi. Konan introduce herself first with a gentle smile. "Hello, my name is Konan" then Zetsu comes second "Zetsu" then next Deidara "Deidara and Art is an explosion,un" Next is Sasori "Sasori, and don't believe whatever the brat says kid because art is eternal" then Kakuzu "Kakuzu and don't touch my money." Kisame introduce himself next "Names Kisame, kid" Next is Tobi " Tobi's name is Tobi. And you look cute girl-chan" he said loudly and joyfully. When it's my turn to introduce, I only said "Itachi" then I look at Kirai waiting for her to introduce herself.

( Kirai's POV )

After they said their names themselves. I introduce myself to them in soft yet loud enough for them to hear with a shy smile. " My name is Shiroko Kirai Ikarawaya, 5 years of age. Nice to meet you all." Then Konan-san suddenly glomp me and saying along the lines 'she's so cute' and something like that.

After a while she is still hugging tightly and I'm slowly losing air. I pray for someone to save me from her, and as if someone heard my prayer. Konan-san let me go off her deathly hug. I never thought that hugging someone tightly will end the person's life, and thank the Lord that I'm still alive today. Oops, I think I got side-tracked with my thoughts, back to the present. I look at my savior who is Itachi apparently and thank him for saving me from Konan-san's hug. After composing ourselves ( Konan and me). They told me their organization's name, the name of their group is the Akatsuki.


Here is the picture of the Akatsuki :)

Reminder I don't own Naruto !!!

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