Chapter 3

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In the Morning; Kirai in Pein's Office

(3rd POV)

Kirai was in leader-sama's office, but her attention is the last conversation when they were welcoming her. She is particularly thinking the name of the organization, the name Akatsuki seems familiar to her, 'I think I heard that name before, but where?' thought Kirai while she is trying to remember from where she heard it, but she can't remember from where or to whom she heard it. While she was in deep thought she didn't realize that leader-sama is talking to her until she came out of her trance. "-ou must be loyal to the Akatsuki and do what they ask you to do. Do you understand me Kirai?" Is all Kirai heard, and she answered politely.

"Hai (yes), leader-sama" " Then your spar will start in 15 minutes, so you can prepare yourself after this go to Itachi and he will evaluate you. Dismiss" Leader said to Kairai. Kirai followed the leader's orders, and when she was about to go to Itachi's room, she heard a loud noise from the kitchen, so she being a curious child she is, she goes to the kitchen to know what is the cause of the noise, when came to the kitchen she saw a disastrous sight.... The kitchen looks like it was hit by a typhoon and Kirai saw who is responsible to it.

(Kirai's POV)

When I heard the loud noise. I wanted to investigate it and I wished that I didn't because when i was going to the looks disgusting and it smell awful here and when I was about to leave I saw the one who cause these all.... It was Deidara, Tobi, and Hidan. They are arguing and fighting with each other. Hidan said "..... ha your just a f***king tranny who has sh**ty obsession in those total bu*lsh*t that you call art without those you'll be only scared little p*ssy!" " Enough! Look what have you done to the kitchen. It's a mess. when I come back I would like to see this place sparkling clean or I will drag your assess here and force you three clean this place." someone said in a stern voice.I look around the kitchen to see who's talking, it's Konan, and she looks scary I tell you. If looks can kill I think those 3 will be 6 ft. under, and those two looked like they wet themselves in fear of the person in front of them.
"But it's not my fault it's-" "I don't care whose fault it is. I want all of you to clean all these mess, so do what you are told to do!" then Konan walk out the kitchen.

" Okay, that's f*cking mess up is it time of her month?" Hidan said, but he was hit in the head by Konan " I can't hear you cleaning instead I hear you complaining." " yeah yeah, we will start cleaning the f*cking kitchen." Hidan grumble, then yelled to Deidara , "Oy tranny start cleaning!" " I told I'm not a f*cking tranny!" "Tobi is a good boy! Tobi start cleaning now!"

( 3rd POV)
Kurai started leaving the scene and goes to her room to start preparing herself , and after that she leaves her room and goes to meet Itachi to train.Kurai finds Itachi in the training ground

"As you know, I will be the first to teach you and as your sensei you must listen to me and treat me as such.We will train your body first as it is still young and people will take advantage of that because while having a young body is good it does have a disadvantage when it is this young , but first let's test you through spar."

"hai, sensei"

Then they start training. Itachi start sparring her by letting her attack first to see what will be her first move then he he will retaliate to test her on what she will do to counter attack his moves, and then the test goes on.

================================AFTER TRAINING ===============================

( Pein's Office)

"Report" said Pein to Itachi as he came in. " Sir, it is as we predicted while she may have plenty of jutsus especially her kekkei genkai in her arsenal, she is weak in taijutsu and still have problems with her chakra control because of her large chakra reserves."

" Keep training her on it and also make her more involved with the other members remember we need to also have her loyalty to us."

" Hai, leader-sama."

"You are dismissed" , then Itachi walked of the room and meet up with Kirai

================Outside Leader-sama's Room==============================

Kirai's POV

As I saw Itachi move out of the room I immediately went up to him.

Itachi said "Starting tomorrow you will begin your training session with each us except for some members. In the first day of training you will be with Kisame next will be Sasori after him will be me and next will be Zetsu and then with Orochimaru. You will be sleeping next to my room" After he said all of that he went to his room, so I also went to my room to ready myself and also start to sleep.



The characters except Kirai and the picture is not mine.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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