Chapter 4

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{Dirty assholes, I'm out of here.}

{Shut the hell up, Jughead.}

Look at that two Spanish dialogs today :)
{Edited courtesy of girlydancing}

Veronica was riding a high all morning after her conversation with Jughead. Not only did she get a chance to drop his ego a little she also got confirmation for what she already knew, Jughead was checking her out. It wasn't necessarily the fact that it was Jughead but anyone checking you out makes you feel good, or at least that's what she told herself.

Kelly and Kent had noticed an extra spring in her step but didn't bother to ask why. She wasn't about to tell them either. She couldn't tell them anything without sounding like a complete lunatic. So she went through the morning smiling.

Lunch rolled around way later than Veronica would have liked but she plopped down with her tray of slop nonetheless and let Kent drape his arm around her. He never stopped his rant about how well the last mission went. It wasn't anything special they just so happened to move more than expected and Kent couldn't let it go.

Veronica could hear laughing to her left and she tuned out her boyfriend somewhat guiltily to look. Through the fence, she could see her rival gang all smiling. The only time she saw everyone at her lunch table smiling was that one day where they all had started a fight. A few injuries later and they were laughing like hyenas and smiling like sociopaths.

She watched Sweetpea slap a friendly hand on Jughead shoulder when he said something exceptionally funny. She found herself wanting to know what it was.

"Those Serpents think they are so much better than us because they don't sell drugs. Jokes on them, we get all the ass." Kent's right-hand man broke in obviously seeing Veronica's point of attention. He got a high five from Kent

"I hate those Serpents too but I'd fuck Sweetpea," Kelly said absentmindedly. She got weird looks. "What?" They laughed together not noticing Veronica's lack of amusement.

"Gilipollas sucias. Me voy de aquí." Veronica sighed rolling her eyes. She picked up her bag leaving her tray behind as she walked out of the lunchroom. She passed the gate and purposefully didn't look between the gaps. No one followed.


Jughead looked up at the sound of Ghoulie laughs. They were distinct, deep, dirty, and with far too much entitlement. He looked up at just the right time to see Veronica give her signature eye roll before standing up harshly. He knew that look well after all the years considering he was the recipient of most of them. She was pissed.

Jughead silently wondered what could Ghoulies do to piss off their Ghoulie leader or as close to one as they had in school. Then he remembered their conversation by her truck on the side of the road. None of them actually saw her as their Princess and probably didn't actually care about how they act around her all too much.

Veronica passed the gate and Jughead followed her with his eyes as she left without a second glance at anything other than the door. He felt a pang of sympathy in his chest for her. He didn't fully understand her circumstance but he liked to think he did and even with that he still didn't move an inch off his bench. He probably never would and why should he, she's the Ghoulie Princess after all.


It was the last class of the day and Veronica was no longer feeling her high. Lunch with her fellow Ghoulies and their constant remarks took it away. She plopped down in the seat she always takes, ready to ignore every living thing that came near her. Until someone sat down next to her.

"I see you weren't doing so well in lunch today." Jughead said as he adjusted in his seat.

"Cállate la pinche boca, Torombolo." Veronica practically hissed and rolled her eyes. Jughead lifted his hands in mock surrender.

"Woah, no need to get all feisty. Look I was just trying to see if you were okay but I'll never do it again. Sorry." Veronica saw the sincerity in his eyes and slouched back in her seat with a sigh.

"I just assumed you were trying to mess with me like you always do. I'm sorry." Veronica watched him out of the corner of her eye. He smiled at her then stared down at the art on his desk.


Jughead watched Veronica the whole class. She surprised him. He never once saw her hand stop moving across the paper. He never would have thought she was the type to take such meticulous notes but then again he didn't really know her at all. He wanted to though.

Jughead looked down at the notebook in front of him. The page was covered in small doodles and scribbles with only two full sentences of notes. He had no idea what the teacher had said but he damn well knew what Veronica had done every second of the class.

Veronica's head had popped up to look at the clock by the door but stopped at Jughead. He was looking at her. They made eye contact for a few seconds before Veronica dropped her eyes back to her paper.

Veronica had to hide her smile behind her hand. Jughead didn't bother hiding his.

The bell finally rang and Jughead was out of his seat in a flash. He had some Serpent business to take care of with Sweetpea and he didn't want to be late. Veronica threw her bag over her shoulder hastily and chased after Jughead. She almost dropped her book as she called out to him.

"Jones, slow down. Can we talk?" Jughead turned around and put his hand under her book to help her get a better grip.

"What's up, Princess?" Veronica stepped in line with Jughead as they walked down the hall.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Jughead raised an eyebrow. "I need some help. You up for it?" She smiled wickedly.

"Depends. What would I be doing?" Jughead didn't take his eyes off of her.

"Well we had done such a good job last week I figure you're a better partner for these deals than any of my Ghoulie friends. Don't worry I'll give you a cut of the profits even if my mother hates me for it." Veronica watched him nervously.

"You know what? I'm in." They smiled at one another and Jughead stuck out his hand for the deal. "When and where, Princess?" 

Alrighty, chapter 4 ya'll and I'm only just now starting part three of the story with the next chapter so get ready for a long fic. (there are about 12 parts that are multiple chapters). I hope yall enjoy :)

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