Friday December 1 6:30 A.M.

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My mom walked in and woke me up. She had made breakfast on this wonderful Saturday, so I Jumped up and ate quickly. As I ate we talked.
"What time do you want to go to your dads today?" She asked.
"Oh, roughly 7:00."
"Ok that'll work." She replied."
So we got in the car and took off. On the hour drive to my dads we talked about how excited I was to go hunting. As we turned on to his road we passed the first group. We then pulled up to my uncles house and I jumped out of the car. I was in such a hurry that I forgot my phone. I ran into my uncles house and called, "Aunt, Julie can I borrow your phone I forgot mine in my moms car and she already left?"
"Of course you can." She replied as she handed me her phone.
I frantically searched through her friends list and found my moms number and hit dial.
"Yeah Mom it's me Adam, I had to borrow Aunt Julie's phone, I left mine in your car by accident."
"Ok, I'm on my way back."
When she got back I grabbed my phone, and said my goodbyes. I was going to be at my dads until tomorrow afternoon. I then sat at the house and waited.
As soon as everyone got back we ate lunch. I sat down and ate my Aunt Julie's famous little smokies. After I finished eating I grabbed my vest and put it on as the others finished eating. They started talking saying how we were going to do the "hog pasture run." I didn't think anything of it until I got told where to go.
I was simply instructed to walk down on the side of Aunt Julie, and Uncle Jackson's pond, into their field, down into the woods, and go to Uncle Gavin's tree stand, then wait there till Uncle Gavin got down there approaching from the opposite direction. I figured, this run will be easy, I'm dressed for the weather, I have rain boots and a waterproof coat on.
It had been raining all morning, however it was just sprinkling now so I set off. I only had to walk about half a mile until I was at the tree stand. As I walked by the pond I slipped, but got right back up. I walked on until I got to the field, which was just a muddy slope. I slipped and got back up, I slipped about three more times, always getting back up.
As I got closer to the stand I was looking out for it and Uncle Gavin. I saw the tree stand and took a step forward. As I did so I felt the ground beneath me give way. I looked down as the ground gave and I went sliding down a six foot drop. I was now covered in mud from my rear to my boots. Then I heard it. Uncle Gavin was coming towards me. Before I got up he saw me.
"What the Hell happened to you?"
"I slipped down the bank." I replied as I pointed out where I clearly slipped.
"Let's get a move on." He said.
We continued to walk then we heard rustling and saw the unbelievable.
A deer had jumped ten feet in the air, Gavin pointed the gun at it and looked through the scope for about five seconds. Then he lowered the gun.
"To small" he said.
We carried on our way until we reached our splitting point. I was told to walk straight through the woods until I reached my cousin. So I started my long trek.
I went up the wet muddy hills and down them. Until I heard a shot I froze and stood there. In ten seconds I realized who had shot. It was my Uncle Bruce, he has always had a dead eye. One shot kills almost every single time. So I carried on again.
I kept at my routine of down and scrambling back up the other side wondering where Luke, my cousin, was. Then I saw movement.
It was in a bunch of brush. The movement was to small to be a deer. Maybe a coyote, but they are never outside during the day. So maybe a raccoon, but they're the same way. Then I saw it. A white animal the size of a coon. It was an opossum. I should catch it and kill it so it doesn't harm our animals. I started chasing it, but in all of the mud it was difficult. I was falling back, I was losing it. Then it slipped itself, I had a chance I caught back up to it I was just a couple feet from the stupid thing. If only I had a gun I could kill it. I was so close in the chase. I followed it as I slipped up another slope, trying to catch it. I jumped for it, landing in the mud. I had the tip of it's tail. I started to slide down.
If it got away now I won't be able to catch it again. It grabbed on to a small branch and got it's tail out of my grasp. I slid the rest of the way down. I instantly jumped up and saw it disappearing over the hill side, so I ran.
I ran as fast as I could out of breath. I reached the top and saw it disappear into a ditch. I slid down avoiding a small tree and landed in the ditch on a rock.
I stood back up and felt my ankle. I had twisted it. I've done this so many times. It hurts walking on it, but I push through the pain. I get up out of the ditch and climb up the next hill.
As I get to the top I peer out for Luke. I can't see him, anywhere. Did I pass him? Then I see Uncle Gavin, and knew I hadn't. I looked down the next hill figuring out how to get down without injuring myself more. That's when I saw a bag. As I approached it I was deciding what could be in it. With the rain it could be anything, a weapon, a body, anything. As I got closer it smelt more like it was rotting. What did I just find?

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