Where am I?

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Darkness consumed my pounding head. I could feel warmth against my back, it wasn't distributed like sunlight, rather like someone held a lighter meer inches away from my flesh. I was too tired to turn around and confront whatever it was that was bring comfort to me, maybe it was for the best. My body felt as if it were drained of all power it held. Like I was constrained, though no constraints were placed on me. I had always had claustrophobia, I never had it this bad though. The feeling of being unable to move dawned on me and my stationary body began to tremble. My mind went into a state of panic as I began to hyperventilate. I tried struggling, I tried praying- though I never was a religious person, worst case scenario nothing happens. The fear that I will never be able to move again kept getting closer and closer, my breathing speeding, my body drained of all hope- then it went black. It was so sudden that when I woke up I had almost chalked up last nights events as if they were a dream, how could I be unable to move. That's what I thought when opened my eyes this morning.

The once warm sensation on my back now felt cold and dry. I tried to stand up but once more I couldn't, I wasn't ready to give up so much yet, all these fears of starvation, never seeing my family again, and claustrophobia built up inside me, and in a force of superhuman determination I pushed myself up, it was only a few inches, but it was enough to bring hope to me. A little tear of joy began to accumulate into my eye as a pushed again, harder, yet harder and my arms began to tremble. To avoid burning myself out I forced my body to the side where I lay face up to not one, but two suns. Each one glowing with extreme intensity. As if it were on cue, one of the suns began to set and the other grew higher in the sky. I began to look around, slowly forcing my head to its side I saw nothing but sand, ocean, and waves. My heart dropped at the sight of this, I don't recall being anywhere remotely close to a beach. In a panicked state, my body filled up with adrenaline and I nearly jumped upright. The thought of being here only scared me more. 

To my right now only to see the exact same thing, my loopy but adrenaline filled body began stepping backward until I hit a cold hard rocky structure. I swiftly turned around, arms in a fighting position only to face a colossal mountain, it looked as if the top of it stuck far past the heavens. Shocked at this revelation I continued into a forest, this one looking nothing like what you would find on Earth, trees grew into each other, as if they had several legs holding up one main trunk. The grass was a lot thinner, rather than soft though plastic-like grass, this was thin hairlike grass that you could easily pass through. The island contained not much more, a couple of strange- possibly edible fruits or vegetables I'm not entirely for certain. One, the most notable of them had a rather peelable shiny aqua blue outside, with a dark crimson hard inside, it smelled rather good though, kind of like a peach, but a little less sweet, with a bit of chocolate like smell to it as well. The others were more freaky, one grew in the ground, its outside was almost as hard as some of the rocks here, while the inside contained gelatinous water with a slightly sweet taste. Another type literally grew into the trees, in huge bulky mounds of pink sludge coating a plastic like shell, after removing the shell, which I had realized is also pink, I cracked it open to find a friendly light yellow colored inside, like an apple almost.

I am coming to terms with living on this island. The two suns that come up every morning or delicate but pleasing. The fruits don't taste toxic, except for the sludgy one, which has a very bitter taste, I spat it out and sworn to never eat that again. The fruits are nice but aren't containing any protein, or at least I think. I tried to hunt, but the eeriest part of this island is that I am completely and utterly alone. I have caught a few fish in the bay with a makeshift spear I made with nothing more than some sticks and that one rocky fruit, they're naturally sharpened at the end like carrots so it worked fine. These fish all look like they contain poison due to their unnatural color, but hell, everything on this goddamned island looks ready to kill me at a moments notice. Theresnothing useful on this island and if I wanna survive I think I'll have to get my feet wet.

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