The Grime

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It's been a hard couple days on this forsaken island, but I'm slowly getting used to it. I've tried to dissect the monstrosities of fish here, there doesn't appear to be any poison in them, apart from a couple. One of which has two spade-like shaped running into each other, kind of like a fast forward button, then connected to the back of that is a long eel-like tail that extends several feet out. It has very strong jaws, one time it latched onto my leg like a piranha and eventually ripped off a small chunk of my leg, it was fairly deep and I'm still trying to recover from the wound. It's usually very peaceful on this island, the wind still blows, the sky is still blue, waves still crash, clouds still hover above me, rain still falls, it is one of the few things that keep me sane. Sometimes I'll stare into the sea and watch the waves crash against the shore, watch as the large flying creatures swoop in, they were hard to notice at first but that's because they seem to enjoy sitting upon the mountain, they'll see bubble fly the surface and with a loud uncomfortable screech swoop down and catch a fish.

I've used fibers from the plants here, some are oddly strong, I've done my best to weave them together and create a net, however, something keeps tearing through them, it's kind of concerning. After all the downpour I have received I am deciding to build a shelter, I'm hoping I can find a way to make a solid base with the resources on this island, the loneliness gets to me, but the hope of escape holds me up in the heavens praying that one day I get off this island- though nobody is listening. I'm getting tired. I think I'm gonna take a nap.

The cold air pushing against my skin. It's freezing out here, where's the fire? Come to think of it, where the ground? I can only see darkness. Wait, I can't breathe, whats that resonating down there, I want to get closer... I throw my body down, surprisingly it didn't hurt. As I lay there, floating sideways I could almost swear a giant shadowy blob began to enlarge. As if it were before, my adrenaline kicked in, the surface was far, how hadn't I drowned yet? I rush up coughing up water and presumably blood. I could see the faintest glow of my island, but the current was pulling me back. I began to black out.

The air dry, that's a change I thought to myself looking around. But nothing, nothing but this ex Machina driftwood I was floating on. I'm hungry, the only thing left around here is the sea, and all below her. I began to look into what I expected to be salty water, however, it wasn't, the water seemed like it had gotten to an extreme level of opaque murky grime only a few meters down so I had planned to stay above that level as whatever is hiding in there I do not want to find. I begin swimming only to find some shiny metal thing just barely poking out of the grime. I decide to swim to it because it could be my only chance at survival. At the top, it read "Emergency exit, break to open" It was in reverse but I could still understand it. As I'm kicking it, trying to get it to crack, even just a little.

Just then I see small lines of grime shooting past me, like shooting stars they rushed past me. As I began to see a large dark green tail whip through the grime. It was large and ended in a narrow point fastened with four large bone like points protruding out of it. Each point was webbed with a lighter green translucent, thin, string-like webbing. That's when I heard its roar, even underwater it sounded like someone was blasting a siren in my ear. Its shriek was a deafening screech of a high pitch. I was frozen in fear. You never know how truly weak you are till you're a couple of meters deep, trying to kick through some glass while you float frozen doing nothing about it.

The next few moments are hard to recall, the lack of oxygen made it very difficult, but as the beast screamed, I kicked the glass and thanks to his scream, I think, it was enough to help shatter glass, I went inside to find a small gap of oxygen floating at the very top of the ceiling, as I began to recover my breath the entire room began to shake. I was thrown to the wall, nearly stabbed by the glass I broke. The place fell on its side, I was trapped inside a giant object, with no light, and very low oxygen. I began to stumble around- as best I could for being underwater, and I thought for a second, this room was flooded before I went inside of it. It was almost completely flooded, there had to be some sort of break near the top of this thing.

Searching in the dark with my hands I feel a sharp scrape, warmer water began to fill the area around me. In an instant, I jerked my hand back slowly and began to feel the area once more. Just as I had thought, metal smashed inwards. I still can't see, however. I began to stick my leg out of the room to realize it was open water, I begin to slowly craw out, both my legs into the dark abyss. That screech occurs again, alone it shook the room. I quickly launch my legs into the room. Something hit the floor and made a dim flash, I begin searching once more for it only to discover some sort of flashlight. "It's amazing this thing still works," I thought, just before the creature screeched once more and ramming into the building. Some of my oxygen began leaking, I had to act soon.

The creature seemed to be latched on to the whole with some sort of appendages. I tried to figure out how to turn on the flashlight before turning it like a screw and seeing a black light turn on. What was I supposed to do with a dim black light? I turn it on looking for the creatures mandibles, about three of them on the side of his face that I could see. All latched onto the inside of the room while they slowly pried open the whole, leaking more and more oxygen. I begin to move the flashlight before coming to a sudden stop at its almost completely white eyes. This creature is blind. But how did he see me? Heat signatures? Down here the water is remarkably warm, a heat signature type thing would require amazing abilities in this environment. Sound?

Could he hear me? But I stuck my legs out and he screeched and found me. That's it! He screeched to find me. His banshee screams are some sort of echolocation... How am I supposed to- wait. Maybe he can here as well? The creature screeches once more, this time in a deafening manner. I tried to distract it but it seemed deaf, that's impossible I thought, it used echolocation right? Wait. Just before this demonic thing came here I cut my hand. Was it the blood it could sm- The creatures mandibles rip off a long strand of metal, releasing the last of my oxygen. Its mouth was large, full of long hook-like teeth in the front followed by many, and I mean millions of tiny sharp daggers of teeth. Its eyes were large, slightly larger than a baseball, and colorless in all ways except calm light grey pupils filling in the void of its eyes, and it had one large gaping hole with the same translucent green webbing presumably to stop large creatures from getting inside. Its face was dark green with many small dots acting similarly to scales and two horns popping in from the side of its face. "Why would a creature of this size have eyes if they were useless?" I pondered.

You cant see this deep anyways, there's no light. Light that's it!. For some reason, this creature must be dependent for or against light. I shine my UV light at it to see its mandibles close up and reopen abound a deathly scream. I sat the light down aimed it and swarm off while he was trying to attack the flashlight. As I swam the creature faded, and with that so did the daylight. The rest of the night consisted of me trying to find my driftwood, only to eventually find a small rock to lay on sticking up out of the water.

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