chapter 2

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Yillie: "I'm also going to the toilet, let's go there together!"

He smiled so brightly. He was almost an entire sun if he didn't have that little glint in his eyes. I frowned. Without thinking twice I speed walked towards the toilet. I felt sick. I don't want to be with anyone right now. I could hear the hasty footsteps of Yillie. He must be hell-bent to get something from me to waste his time catching up.

Yillie: "w-wait! Slow down!"
Me: *walks faster*
Yillie: "Mir I said… SLOW DOWN!" *Grabs my wrist*

I was shocked. I turned to yell at him to not touch me but I was met with his face getting very close to mine. I gulped. Was I starting a romance drama? Absolutely not! I harshly tugged his hand away from mine. I then continued to walk away. Just needing a good amount of time to breathe away from people. Maybe even find Zen who was doing his gardening project outside near the toilet.

Yillie: "…Mir?"
Me: don't follow me anymore you twerp.

Yillie continues to follow me anyway. Giving quite a distance between us though. I had longer legs, giving me a faster speed than him so I got in a stall in the toilet first. Quickly, I dropped to the toilet seat and cover my face with my cold hands. I didn't notice myself sweating at all really. I must've jogged a whole 3 minutes to be able to break down with sweat. Hopefully Yillie had gave up and walked away back to class. Leaving me alone to sort out my mind.

Yillie: *knocks* "Mir?"
Me: Jesus f-ing Christ... "What do you want? I'm busy."
Yillie: "uhh, oh, are you pooping? Is that what you're doing?"
Me: "I'm in the fucking bathroom, on a toilet seat and closing the door so no one can see me. Does it sound like I'm doing anything else?"
Yillie: "you might be bathing for all I know."
Me: "dumbass, someone recently broke the showers so there's no way I could do that. Also why the fuck would I shower in a stall with toilet seat?"

I sighed loudly. Trying so hard to shove my annoyance down his throat. I told him to leave me be but he only silenced himself. I briefly thought he was gone so I went out, only to see him standing right beside the bathroom stall. He looked unimpressed. He watches me closely as I washed my hands on the sink and splashed some on my face.

Yillie: "were you tired? Is that why you went out of class? You don't usually go here unless you want to hangout with Zen"
Me: "what's it to you?"
Yillie: "nothing. I'm just confused. Why are you acting so different today?"
Me: "it's nothing. Now stop bothering me."
Yillie: "are you planning to visit Zen in his garden again? He's not here at the moment, he's probably dating with Art or something."
Me: how did you know? "Zen isn't gay."
Yillie: *shrugs* "you might just be blind."

We both went out off the toilet. I forgot about Yillie's report on Zen not being in the garden so I went there anyways. Yillie told me twice once we were headed there. I felt embarrassed so I covered it up by saying the flowers there smells nice and I'm looking forward to relax there. Yillie looked unsure but he followed me relentlessly. I really want to compliment him for following me so far. Once there, I sat on a log nearby. Taking in the sweet air from the flowers. Yillie did he same. But he was always giving me glances.

Me: "you can ask me about it now you know."
Yillie: *hesitates*
Me: "go on, before I change my mind and throw you out of here so I can be alone."
Yillie: *sputters* "oh-oh right! I was about to ask you… about today. You felt…"
Me: might as well finish it for him. "Off?"
Yillie: "Yeah. You felt really off. Like, super off."

Everything was silent. Only the chirps of birds and the winds could be heard. But all of those sounds felt distant. I closed my eyes and inhaled. I could already see various bugs all over the flowers. I scoffed. Then, I heard a cough from Yillie. Seemingly a response to my scoff. I really wanted to trust him. To tell him what I've been through. I don't know if he would care though. He might just laugh at me and abuse me right after. But right now my feelings were springing around my brain. I couldn't force only one to come out and scream the words for me. And I snapped. I sobbed and stared right at Yillie. I wanted him to understand, even if it's not by words.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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