Chapter 4 - Riagan Runs Afoul

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Riagan had enjoyed the sweet ride from Earth, and the sudden appearance of a city in space was like a video game coming to life. Once they'd landed, his excitement had hit a snag. Adults ordered him around and forced him into school at summer's end when he had so many better things to do. It seemed to be one of their favorite pastimes.

He had waited over an hour just for an ID. Only with an ID could he obtain a wrist-comp for class, receive meals in the mess hall, and pretty much do anything else at the academy. Did he need the ID to go to the bathroom, too?

Attendants had ushered Riagan, Neil, and Rois through double doors into an auditorium. Tables along the walls bore tuna or chicken salad sandwiches, various fruits, including some strange purple melon, and water or tea, but no crisps. Who ate sandwiches without crisps? Nevertheless, he piled his plate with tuna sandwiches and a banana, before choosing a seat on the last row.

Students quieted as Instructor Shilah Nez, at the front of the room, introduced himself. "Welcome to the Space City Preparatory Academy. This'll be your home for the next four years. Period."

Riagan stuffed down a tuna sandwich. Their recruiter, Mr. Collins, had already informed them that if Rois and he joined the academy, it would be years before they returned to Earth, if ever. That was fine with Riagan. He had left nothing behind.

Shock was registered on quite a few faces in the room.

"Most of you have some or all of your family here on Space City," Nez continued. "For those who left loved ones behind, you will occasionally be allowed carefully-monitored virtual communication. This is for the protection of you and your loved ones. Our secrecy is of the utmost importance."

Riagan snorted. Adults always insisted their rules and restrictions were for everyone's safety. It was their default answer to questions. That or because I said so.

"Now, it's important for all of you to understand the two tenets upon which the academy is founded — scientific achievement and social evolution." Nez paused to let his words sink in.

"Science is an examination of the processes that create the universe. If you want to know why we exist or how everything came to be, science is the gateway to understanding." Nez stood tall and rigid, hands clasped behind his back as he strode back and forth in front of the recruits. He immediately struck Riagan as someone who was tough and enforced the rules to the extreme.

"All of human progress has resulted from examining our world and asking how and why things work, and determining how we can build upon that. From the invention of the wheel to populating the Earth, pushing out into space, the creation of this city and everything on it, all of this has come from scientific pursuits and technological achievements."

Riagan peeled his banana, wondering when they would be let loose. Nez looked ready to drone on for hours. Rois was leaning forward, listening intently. They had recruited her precisely for her scientific brilliance, and she would believe in the promises that Space City offered. Riagan didn't consider himself a cynic, he just had a harder time accepting that their lives would suddenly change into something amazing. But he would try for her.

"Through our scientific pursuits, we've learned the importance of evolution. Just as an expanding gene pool makes life stronger and more complex, so does the exchange of knowledge and ideas advance us as a species. The more inclusive we can be of others with different backgrounds and viewpoints — social evolution — the faster we learn and grow. This idea isn't confined to humans, but to every alien species. As we explore and meet new species with their own understanding of the universe and our shared knowledge bases grow, the scientific feats of which we are capable will increase exponentially."

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