Were done.

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As Glynda was sitting on the floor there was a knock to her office door.

" Glynda open up we need to talk " James sighed "please"

As the door opened he James saw Glynda's arms crossed and eyes red from crying as James got closer to her she backed up until she hit the desk. He went to put his hand on her check she slapped his hand away.
"Don't touch me" she said moving past him
and going behind her desk.
Rubbing his neck James sighed
" look Glynda let me-" she cut him off abruptly .
" I think you should go" she said looking down "

" No Glynda look I didn't mean for it to happen she just kissed me and ... im sorry"

" Do you really expect me to believe this James after what you did last time"

"Glynda this is different "

"That's what you said last time and I was dumb enough to forgive you"

" Don't bring that up please you know it was a mistake... she meant nothing"

" Yet she was worth jeopardizing our relationship and now apparently so is Irina your just unbelievable, Glynda shook her head pointing at the door
" Just go... please "

" Glynda no don't do this," he said putting his hand on her shoulder.
Glynda removed his hand from her shoulder.
" leave " she said as tears began running down her cheeks, "and don't come back "

" Is this really what you want Glynda ."

"Yes I can't trust you were d-done " she struggled to say

James just nodded and left deciding if this was what she wanted and the past of what he did would always linger in their relationship.
putting his hand on the door " Goodbye Glynda" he whispered.

The second he left all their memories came flying into her head their first date kiss as she slides down the door holding her knees close to her chest crying
" why am I crying it wouldn't have worked out anyways this was the second time something like this had happened"
she said to herself, sighing she just couldn't forgive him this time.
Wiping her tears she stood up picking up the broken picture in the process. Levitating the broken shard of glass into the trash, finally putting the picture in her desk drawer locking it afterward.

(Anotherday another chaper)
A quote is in there from "Friends"

Arguments and happiness (Glynda Goodwitch and James Ironwood fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now