Chapter 2

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Haleys pov

As the bell rang for the last period, Jorel smiled a wolfish smile, grabbing my hand leading me out of the classroom.

I chuckled. "J, you don't have to drag me. I'm going to stay right behind you, I promise!"

He shrugged. "Maybe I want to drag you. Ya know, to make sure no one takes you away from me," He replied.

I shook my head. Why would someone want to take me? I'm nothing worth taking.

J continued to drag me out of the school, occasionally pushing people out of the way, earning a few "fuck you!"s along the way.

Soon, we reached his car.

Oh, his car. My, my, my. I could orgasm just looking at this beauty!

My mouth must have hit the ground, cus J laughed.

"You act like you've never seen a mustang before," He said.

"I have, but this one is beautiful!" I exclaimed, dumbfounded.

This car was such a beauty! Comepletely black, slick back, automatic, and darker than night. Just beautiful!

"Well, are you going to get in?" J asked, opening the passenger door. What a gentlemen.

"Uhh, yeah. Thanks!" I replied, getting in the beautiful car, throwing my bookbag in the back seat.

He shut the car door, and opened the back door, throwing his bookbag in, shutting it, walking around the car, and getting into the drivers seat.

He started the car, and looked at me.

"What?" I asked, wondering why the hell he just started staring at me.

"Nothing," He stated, looking back infront of him, putting the mustang in drive, and driving off.

~~~~~~~time skip to J's house cus I am a lazy fuck lol~~~~~~

Soon, J pulled into a driveway. It wasn't a huge house, but it wasn't a trailor. It was beautiful, and big enough for 7 people to live in.

He looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

His smile was very contagious.

I bit my lip, trying to stop my smile from forming.

It didn't work.

J's eyes landed on my lips, causing me to lick them, to make sure there was nothing on them.

Why I licked my lips? I don't know. I hadn't ate at school, so what could possibly be on them?

Maybe it was a nervous habit I secretly had.

Yeah, we'll blame it on that.

"Fuck," Jorel groaned softly, as if hoping I wouldn't hear it.

"That's so hot.." He whispered softly, mostly to himself.

I gulped, shifting my hips.

He's going to be the death of me.

He took a deep breath.

"C'mon. I'll show you the inside," He said, opening his door, walking around the car once again, opening the passenger door.

I gave a quick 'thanks' and scrambled to my feet.

He shut the door, and walked to the front door, unlocking it.

"Welcome to the boy's and I's home, cutie," J said.

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