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Sooo I decided to give you guys another story besides drarry cause that's all I've done on here.. and yes I know having two unfinished stories isn't good but I promise to get back to those.. I'm actually writing the whole story out before posting anymore so I won't have to stress on how I want it to end.. anyways enjoy!!

Oh and there will be tons of smut!! As usually.. it wouldn't be one of my stories of it didn't have tons of smutty goodness!!

Shiro was tired. He was exhausted. He was honestly concerned with how little sleep he's gotten in the past few days.. everyday he was busy doing something or helping someone.. then he was busy doing routine checks around the castle to make sure everything was in tact..and no intruders hiding anywhere.. he even had to watch over the trainings.. he would participate in most of them before stepping back and watching his team.. he loved seeing them working together to fight the training bots.. it showed how much they'd grown from the first time they tried to do the test and fight the training bots.. but still shiro knew when it was time to give his pack a break.. he was the prime alpha after all.. he had to make sure the team wasn't pushing past their limits and hurting themselves, so after a good while he finally decided to stop the training "ok guys! That's enough for today.. everyone can go rest and relax now" he smiled as the team gave him grateful looks before running off.. shiro was even surprised when he saw Keith leave the training deck to.. he practically lived in there.. shiro rarely found him anywhere else..but before he could overthink the reasons why Keith would run off so quickly. He smelt something.. he took a deep breath and growled in a hungry wanting way.. the scent smelt of the ocean on a warm breezy day, with lavender flowers mixed in and coconut.. it smelt fucking perfect and shiro felt his mouth watering from how bad he wanted a taste.. he opened his eyes that he hadn't realized he had been holding shut and looked at the source of the smell.. lance.. he already knew lance was a prime omega.. the best out of the best.. lance never hid it from them. He honestly seemed proud to be an omega! And shiro respected him for holding his head high when other omegas always hated themselves..but he also knew that he was DEFINITELY attracted to lance.. everytime lance had his heat.. well shiro went into his rut almost every single time.. he was practically pulling off the doors trying to get to lance who was an unmarked prime omega, who's hormones kept screaming for an alpha to please him, touch him, claim him... knot him.. but Keith was also an alpha.. he wasn't a prime alpha like shiro but still an alpha.. which meant shiro always had competition.. Keith also wanted lance but shiro wasn't going to let that happen.. Keith was like his little brother but he would still fight him over a potential mate..

shiro quickly made his way over to lance.. he could tell that lance was about to go into preheat.. but lance quickly ran off.. so shiro was left in the training deck alone and confused.. he figured lance probably already knew that he was going into heat but still.. shiro couldn't stop thinking about how good lance smelt.. or how he probably gave of such needy moans when he was horny.. or the beautiful noises lance would make that only an omega could do.. shiro literally shivered harshly from the thought of having such a sweet omega beneath him begging for his knot.. to hear those soft purrs and chirps of his omega once he was satisfied..but lance wasn't his.. well not his YET.. shiro was going to have lance.. he practically craved the Cuban.. and the best thought was of lance fat with his pups.. that thought nearly broke shiro.. he felt his member growing hard as a wave of possessiveness and want flooded his body.. but lance would never want a broken alpha like him.. one that has nightmares and insomnia... one that has a prosthetic arm built by the galra.. or one that has to many insecurities and hasn't taken care of an omega in forever.. he'd probably disappoint lance as an alpha.. and all those negative thoughts kept swimming around in his head as he walked down the hall to his room sulking about not being good enough for such a beautiful, sweet, loving omega like lance.. but before he could reach his door he saw lance running down the hall to his right.. the omega hadn't seen him but shiro definitely saw him.. he saw lance was wearing nothing but a blue robe and seemed to be rushing to the smaller travel ships they kept in the cargo pit.. allura called them escape pods but the paladins used them to travel to places when they didn't want to risk the galra seeing them using their lions when they where all in different locations..

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