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Okkk here's the actual second chapter lol hope you guys enjoy ~~~


Shiro waited patiently for the other to finish their dance before standing up. He wanted to go grab lance and confront him right there but he knew that wouldn't be the best option.. lance could easily become distressed and run away or worse his scent could call out for another alpha because he was an omega getting scolded and would probably be scared.. and that's what made shiro stop. He didn't want lance to call for another alpha when Keith was so close. Then he would be practically handing lance over to the other alpha. So he changed his mind and with a lot of will power he walked away and went back to the castle

Once he was finally back at the castle he took a quick shower. And was about to go to bed when he decided to get a snack since his stomach was yelling at him for depriving it of food. He dried himself mostly off and then his hair. He knew he should probably put on shorts or something but no one was up and he didn't know if lance was back yet so he just wrapped the towel around his waist then brushed his hair back with his fingers so it was laying flat on his head with a few loose strands falling forward over his forehead.. with a deep sigh he walked to the kitchen. But when He turned the corner he froze at the sight he saw.. in front of him was that beautiful omega who looked like he just got out the shower too. The smell of cherries came off the omega and shiro knew that was the soap lance used.. he liked it, it suited the cute Cuban in front of him. He saw that lance was wear some black short spandex's that hugged his hips perfectly and made his plump ass look so firm. Like it was screaming for someone to grab it, maybe give him a firm slap.. FUCKKKK .. shiro couldn't stop the dirty thoughts flooding his head. Thoughts of the cute omega with such thick soft thighs opened wide while his tiny hole leaked slick just for him. Those where some very dangerous thoughts. They could easily persuade his alpha to take the omega now. And it didn't help that lance had a black crop top on with a white rose outline on the front. He liked the color black on the omega.. it looked good on him, his favorite color was black so seeing it on lance was definitely pleasing his alpha.. and the shirt was very short, It showed off his smooth belly that wasn't marked in any way. No alpha scent every lingering on the omega. No marks from a hot lustful night.. that pleased his inner alpha. 'I can change that easily' he thought as he could imagine that smooth bronze skinned stomach stretched and round from lance being fat with his pups.. FUCK.. there goes his body shaking with the urge to have the omega who was giving off smells of his preheat.. shiro let out a heavy pheromone of want with a deep possessive growl as he stepped closer to lance..

Lance jumped when he smelt the heavy scent of an alpha. An alpha that was on the hunt for an omega.. he heard the deep growl and felt his knees go weak "S-sshiro stoooopp" he tried to sound confident and strong but it sounded more like a whisper as he felt his body shake.. he looked at the alpha and gasped.. shiro was wearing only a towel with his hair slicked back in the most sexiest way but the best part was how the male had water dripping down his chest.. lance knew he had to leave before his heat was forced on by the smell of the prime alpha next to him.. he quickly grabbed the bowl of fruit he made and was about to go when he felt shiro press himself against lances back.. the male reached over him and grabbed two pieces of fruit off the counter that looked and tasted kinda like plums before whispering in lances ear "your in preheat lance.. you need to go before I loose control.. with such.. a good pretty omega near me.." he growled softly and lance felt his inner omega purr at the complement..but the made shiro tense up as he softly pushed his semi hard on against lances ass before he pressed his lips against lances neck and spoke in a deeper voice causing his breath to fan out across lances neck making him shiver "you smell so good little omega" it was obvious that lances preheat was causing the alpha to switch making his inner alpha claw at shiros control wanting out so he could claim the omega.. but before anything else happened shiro quickly moved back with the fruit in his hand and whispered in a low growl " GO NOW LANCE!" It was obvious that shiro had managed to get enough control to give lance a chance to run so lance listened to the alpha command cause he had no other choice.. he ran to his room and locked the door right before his knees gave away and he collapsed on the floor feeling exhausted

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