Mastermind Shuichi and Kokichi

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(Heya! This is my first oneshot I created so I hope it isn't so bad. To be honest I'm not even sure on how to write one XD. But this is my attempt at writing one so pls enjoy! Also feel free if you want me to write any oneshots! Excluding any oneshot that includes smut or anything I'm uncomfortable with. Thank u.)

Hmm... Out of all the places you have chosen, you've chose the hangar eh Kokichi? Shuichi looked through the screens of Kokichi doing his plan. He seems SO desperate! Maybe I can use that to make him fall into sweet despair! Shuichi started laughing manically. But first I'll need to get rid of the others some way... He stopped laughing and smirked. This will be so easy!~

Kaito's seriously so goddamn stubborn like usual. I wish he stops yelling. Kokichi sat on the hydraulic press looking at the bathroom door with an annoyed facial expression. There was a loud banging sound coming from the door, That idiot is trying so hard to get out. "You bastard! When I get out! I will punch your face down to the floor!" The voice coming from the bathroom yelled angrily at Kokichi. I'm feeling tired... I should really sleep... Everything is so boring here anyways... Why not take a nap? Kokichi laid down on the hydraulic press. Guess it wouldn't hurt to sleep here... It's so hard and cold but I'll manage... Kokichi closed his eyes as the angry voice fades away.

Meanwhile, Shuichi was walking to the hangar to the window to talk to Kaito. It was a way for him to get people's suspicions on him being the mastermind go away. After all despite Kokichi's 'confession' of being the mastermind, the others can still turn on him. It was a good thing that they are all so foolish! They all believed me when I said there was no mastermind! Maybe not Kokichi!~ But who cares!~ Shuichi finished talking with Kaito and headed to the secret room in the library without anyone noticing. Hmm~ Kokichi's certainly enjoying his sleep there~ I wish I can ruin that peaceful face of his into despair. What a fascinating sight will that be!~ Hm?~ Looks like Maki's planning something big here~ Shuichi looked at Maki's actions carefully. Seems like she's planning to kill Kokichi with those poisoned arrows! If that's the case then I wouldn't be able to see the face full of despair on Kokichi! I must stop that! But I certainly want to see Kokichi's pained face... Hmm... Ah! I've got a plan!

Shuichi took the antidote he smiled, a smile full of cruelty. Perfect. He smiled even wider. I should put another Strike-9 poison here just in case!~

Kokichi woke up after a loud sound of the bathroom door crushing down. Kokichi saw the crossbow on Kaito's hand as Kaito shot the arrow at Kokichi. The events happened so fast that Kokichi wasn't able to process it until the arrow hit him on his right arm. Ah! It hurts. However! I won't back down! Kaito jumped at Kokichi, causing him to lose balance as they both fell on the floor. Kokichi started fighting desperately against Kaito. I won't lose here! I've worked so hard! I can't afford to lose now! He kept on fighting with Kaito until an Exisal showed up. What is it doing here? He then saw Maki and took out the controller he had but as he was going to control it Maki shot him at the back with the poisoned arrow.

Maki then started asking him questions, Kokichi answered honestly except for the part he said he is the mastermind. Maki's finger moved to the trigger of the crossbow which was being aimed at Kokichi's head. Kokichi shut his eyes, this is the end isn't it? Kaito ran and shielded Kokichi from the arrow. Maki couldn't process about what had happened until couple of seconds and then ran to the ultimate detective's lab to get the antidote. Kokichi shut the hangar gate so Maki wouldn't get in, Time to start my plan.

Maki eventually came back with the antidote and chucked it through the window. Kaito took it but Kokichi snatched it from Kaito after punching him hard in the stomach. Kokichi then pretended to drink the antidote for his plan to work. The assassin's face started to shift to a very terrified face as Kaito told her to go. The assassin disappeared from the window as the sound of scratching was heard out of the window.

Kokichi forced the antidote he had to Kaito's mouth, causing Kaito to gag on it. He then told Kaito his plan then tried convincing him to participate in it. Kaito eventually agreed to the plan, knowing that he was going to die anyways because of his illness. After they finished setting the plan up, Kokichi laid under the press once again. This time the press is going to crush him, he didn't care but that would be a lie if I said he didn't. He was scared of dying but if he died by the poison, it would mean he died in a very meaningless way.

Kokichi looked at Kaito as Kaito's face starts to slowly get blocked the press lowering. As the press got lower, he couldn't see Kaito's face anymore except his body and... Who's that next to Kaito? "Shuichi!? What are you doing here!?" A pained sound was heard from the distance as the press stopped. Huh? What's... going on? He can see Kaito's body laying on the floor as the blood from his body starts to spread. Kokichi couldn't breathe anymore, he wasn't sure if it was the shock of someone murdering Kaito or the poison.

The person who stabbed Kaito approached him, "Heya Kokichi!~ Did you miss me?~" The person asked, It can't be... A sound of something's lid being turned was heard as a small bottle was shown in front of him. The hand holding the antidote, stuffed the antidote into Kokichi's mouth causing him to choke uncontrollably as tears start to show from his eyes. He then saw Shuichi's face as Shuichi leaned down to look at him. "Puhuhu~ It's only been the first step and you are already crying~ It makes me sad you know!~" Shuichi pulled Kokichi out of the press. After Kokichi landed roughly on the floor, he started coughing after choking so much from the antidote.

Shuichi lifted Kokichi's head up by putting his fingers under Kokichi's chin. "You certainly look so pretty like this but I can certainly make it look prettier!~" Kokichi was terrified, this wasn't the Shuichi he knew or seen. Shuichi smirked at Kokichi's expression "You'll certainly look better in despair!~" Kokichi's eyes widened.

(Uhh... I can do another part of this if you guys want me to...)

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