Chapter One

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"Have you been writing in your book?"

The question, as innocent as it sounded, hung in the air between us like something electric, waiting to snap and explode. I drummed my fingers against my leg, eyes down, my chest constricting painfully. Miss Ederton cleared her throat and leaned towards me, her voice low with a forced gentleness to it.


I cringed inwardly. I hated that name. I wanted to scream at her.

"Kasia! My name is Kasia!"

But I didn't.

"Yes, I've been writing in my book."

Miss Ederton leaned back again, pleased.

"Well then, aren't you going to let me see?"

My thumb gently stroked the soft leather cover of my Thought Book. I didn't want her to see. I hated this part of the Meet.

"Can't I read it to you?"

"Do you promise not to leave anything out, like you have a tendency of doing?"

I stiffened, a stone forming in my throat. Miss Ederton nodded at my look of panic.

"Of course we know you're keeping things from us, Marissa. You're a troubled child, and what you've been reading to us doesn't match up with your...behavior."

"My behavior?" I repeated stupidly, my hand tightening around my Thought Book.

"Of course. Shall I read some of the notes I took at our last Meet?" Miss Ederton opened a drawer next to her and pulled out a few large sticky notes, which were a pale blue color. I stared. Color was a rare thing to see. Straightening her reading glasses on her nose, Miss Ederton began to read.

" 'I'm thoroughly enjoying my classes, and have made several new friends.' Now, we both know that that's a lie. You sit alone at lunch, and avoid your other class mates at all costs."

I rubbed my eyes, frustrated.

"But Phoenix Dale looks interested in you. Maybe you should trying talking to her? You might strike up a real friendship."


I almost looked up, but was still too stunned to move. Phoenix Dale? The exotically gorgeous African girl, with the shining black hair falling to her knees, black eyes, and figure a swan would envy?

"What's that look for?"

"Phoenix isn't interested in me." I croaked.

"Isn't she?" Miss Ederton's tone was now smug, and she snatched up a remote, turning on a T.V. In the corner.

A video of the cafeteria began to play, and I watched in amazement as the me in the video walked past Phoenix and her friends, missing her wave of greeting as I slid into my usual spot at the far end of a table in the cafeteria.

"Now, why would Phoenix Dale wave at you, unless she was interested in being your friend? But then again, she's very picky about who she invites to her table.....I don't see why she would choose you."

"Maybe she wasn't inviting me over. Maybe she was looking for someone to pick on." I mumbled.

"Maybe. But I doubt it." Miss Ederton shoved her notes back into the drawer. "You have no friends, Marissa, because you won't be friendly with anyone. Phoenix Dale would help you socially....and academically."

I looked up, annoyed and ready to leave, and Miss Ederton nodded seriously at me.

"If you were honestly 'thoroughly enjoying your classes', as you have claimed, you would be making better grades. You're doing so poorly, you're not even average. We know you have more potential, Marissa. You're incredibly smart....smarter than you know. And yet you refuse to work with us. If you would just follow our Plan, like all of the other kids, you could be perfect! You do understand why we have these Meets, correct? And the reason for the Thought Books?"

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