Chapter Five

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I gasped.

I know I shouldn't have, but it was so unexpected. Phoenix sent a warning glance my way, but it didn't matter. Lavinia motioned us over, patting the bed for us to sit. I remained standing, but Phoenix rushed over and grabbed her arm.

"You know...knew...Felix??"

"Yes. I know about Felix, about the pills, about you and Wally and Edward and Mrs. Ederton. I was the first person Felix convinced that Nimbus was not all sunshine and rainbows. He convinced me without the pill."

"But that's so great!" Phoenix gushed jubilantly. I felt weak kneed and stumbled to the bed, sitting with a thump beside them.

"He told me what to look for in people, to get an idea of who might no longer be under Nimbus' sway. I recognized the signs in you two a long time ago, but I didn't say anything because I wanted to be sure."

"Yes, of course." Phoenix agreed. Lavinia turned to me.

"You are one gutsy girl, you know that? Felix told me about you. Said to keep a close eye on you."


"Yes, of course. He believed you would be the easiest to convince."

"I took the pill." I muttered.

"Yes, you did. Without question. He said you trusted him without any hesitation."

I shivered as her words hit me. I grabbed her shoulder and made her face me.

"How do you know that??"

"Know what?"

"That I took the pill, without question, and trusted him without hesitation??"

"Felix told me, of course."

Phoenix and I both leaped back like we'd been shot. Lavinia looked confused and alarmed.


"Lavinia...Felix died that night he gave me the pill."

Lavinia blinked. Frowned. Shook her head.

"Not possible."

"No? Why?" I demanded.

"Because I spoke to him just last week."

Joy, terror, shock and uncertainty swirled like a wild tornado inside my chest. I sat on the floor with a thump and Phoenix stifled a cry of joy.

"You're sure?!" Phoenix cried. "You're absolutely sure?!?"

"Yes. Absolutely." Lavinia knelt in front of me and took my hands. I looked up, tears streaming down my cheeks, and she gently swiped them away.

"Stand up. C'mon."

I let her pull me to my feet and guide me to the bed. It was amazing, this sense of relief that threatened to overwhelm me. I didn't even know Felix, really, but knowing that he was alive...

It was the happiest news I'd ever received.

"This is important, so listen closely. Felix is alive, but he's in the lab section of the bunker. I go down to talk to him every chance I get, and the last time I was able to speak with him was last week, as I said before. He told me about you two and Wally and Edward, and requested that I give you this." Lavinia took off her shoe and pulled up the inside to reveal a piece of yellow folded paper with stains and rips. She removed it with great care and unfolded it to reveal strange lines and wiggles with hastily scratched words above or below them. I blinked a few times, confused, when it hit me.

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