Chapter Four

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The next few days were normal. Slow, quiet, typical...and then the day came for the teacher's party. It would have seemed normal, save for two differences. Instead of eating alone, I ate with Phoenix and her friends, and instead of our usual silent, I-don't-know-you passing in the hall, Edward actually smiled and said hello. I managed a similar greeting in return, but was startled. Kind of odd that he'd choose to say hello after ignoring me all these weeks...and on the day of our group meeting, too. Was he trying to send me some sort of message? Was he...


Lavinia was snapping her fingers in my face. I blinked and stared stupidly at her.


"You spaced out. Come back to earth for a minute, I need you to help me convince Phoenix to sneak into the party tonight and snag some chocolate. They keep it all for the teachers, and it's so unfair!"

"I already told you, Lavinia..." Phoenix said with saint-like patience. "I'm not going to mar my school record of Exceptional Behavior for chocolate. And neither is Marissa."

"That's right. After all the hot water I was in a few months ago...forget it."

"Fine. That makes sense. For you Marissa. But Phoenix, you're usually all for a little lighthearted rebellion. Why so worried about your record all of a sudden?"

I felt my pulse quicken. I was so glad the question wasn't directed at me, because I would have choked. Phoenix, however, flicked her long, raven hair off of her shoulder and smiled.

"I'm hoping to be class president. I can't do anything risky."

"That's a new development." Lavinia muttered, but didn't push it further. Phoenix continued to smile and chat with everyone, but, since I was sitting beside her, I could see how tense she was. Having friends kept us safe. But they also made things more difficult. Friends want to be with you. They want to chat, and hang out, play games, and crash teacher parties for chocolate. If you constantly say no to hanging out, they start asking questions. If they start asking questions, you better have some good lies. Or, fabricated excuses, as Phoenix calls them. However, a lie by any other name is still a lie. Or however that saying goes.

"Marissa, will you help me study for my chemistry test tonight? I've been struggling with it lately, and it's one of your best subjects." Phoenix gave me the perfect pleading look. It was the perfect plan, too. She really was struggling with chemistry. The teachers always posted test results on a billboard at the end of the week, so that everyone could see their fellow student's strengths and weaknesses. Phoenix has always struggled with chemistry. So it wouldn't be strange for me to be seen walking to her room tonight, or for us to be seen together. Her room is right by the bathrooms, so the location was perfect.

"Sure, I'll help." I said generously. Phoenix nodded and quickly stood up before anyone could say anything else.

"I'll see you tonight then." She said, and walked away. I finished my lunch and got ready to head to class. My insides were starting to knot up at the idea of finally having a meeting with everyone. I had no idea what to expect, and I was thrilled and terrified.

I worked through class like a robot. I answered questions correctly and respectfully. I smiled and nodded and even laughed at my teacher's joke. But my mind was elsewhere. Fortunately, since the teacher's had their party tonight, they were more focused on that than on their students, so I was barely noticed.

I passed Mrs. Ederton in the hallway after my last class. She flicked her blue eyes at me and one side of her mouth quirked up in an encouraging smile. I returned the smile and we passed on in silence. My uncertainty about tonight was gone, and excitement had completely taken over. I was tied up in knots of anticipation and had to fight for self-control. We still had three hours before we met at the bathroom, and I had no idea what I was going to do until then.

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