2. The mess you made

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" Arrrrgh " Zayn runs his hand over his stomach and groans

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" Arrrrgh " Zayn runs his hand over his stomach and groans. "I'm full," he moans as he slumps back and takes another sip of his coke.

Niall lets out a laugh, grabbing another piece of chicken out of the box. Harry better get here soon or they'll have to order again.

The small roof top of the stadium was ringing with whimsical sounds. Liam is beat boxing to the funny tune Louis was playing on Niall's guitar, bumping his head like a maniac. making his feathery hair move with him. They were so loud that if they were in a hotel they would have clearly been told off by the hotel staff. So they were glad that they were on the narrow roof top of the stadium quarters with stale lights and endless food.

This is a typical day before a gig, too much of food minus alcohol and a lot of energy to waste until they are sleepy.

"Come on babe, we are rocking!" Louis shouts, holding the guitar above his head still trying to play an off key tune and still bumping around.

"Hey! Stop molesting my guitar!"

"Big words, Irish. Mole-est-ing." Louis sings.

"Stop abusing my guitar. Simple enough now? I swear to god, Tommo if you break any strings I'm gonna fart on your face!' Niall cries out.

Zayn lets out a high pitched laugh.

Louis makes an O! face and takes the guitar down off his head, still playing while Liam continued to beat box.

"I'm sleepy. And I'm full," Zayn says again, yawning and rocking his chair back as Niall throws another scrap of a bone into the waste bag. Zayn drops his head to the table. "I think I'm high on chicken," he groans into the table.

"Want another piece?" Niall asks, helping himself to another.

"Stop eating man. You've got two buckets of inside you already,"' Zayn calls out, not bothering to move an inch.

Niall throws the last bit inside his mouth and smirks, going for another.

The door to the rooftop opens behind Niall and Louis and Liam watches as Roger holds it back for Harry to get in.

"Harold! You're early, lad," Louis calls out, still playing his off key tune "help yourself to Niallers' leftovers. Hey, Ro'."

Harry doesn't react - nor he looks at Louis, almost ignoring him. He just gazes upon the table where Zayn was laying his head without movement.

"Hey guys. Managed to get Nando's closed for the day?" Roger smiles watching the gang - rest of the crew must have gone to bed already. These five always stayed up in gig nights, waking up a bit late ready for the show, he knew.

"Don't know what you mean, man. Last I saw, Nialler's got it funded by the house of lords," Liam says pausing his beat midway.

Shaking his head slightly with a smile, Roger lightly sweeps his hand on Harry's the shoulder,

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