3. Things I can

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Louis pushes open the door not knowing what to expect.

Harry is simply there, his tall body slouched against the wall - as if he already knew Louis was going to come. Walking in, Louis slowly leans back against the door; closing it as soundlessly as he could.

The trademark black jeans and the thin white shirt were the same Harry wore to the show this afternoon - and now without the bandana, his hair is loose and a bit tousled; making him appear younger than he usually looks with his hair pulled up. Tired green eyes looks at Louis with a slight reluctance before turning down. He starts dragging his booted foot slowly on the floor.

Louis could just watch him from there...

All the jokes and sassy lines apart, they haven't been close with each other for a long time. Hell, they haven't been in a room alone for a long long time. Finding a common ground to work together had been hard enough without being at each other's throats, but now, it seemed that they have gone through with all that.

Of course there are still speculations, opinions among their fans and the industry as of why the two of them never interacted as much as they used to. Some thought they were hiding their relationship, some thought they hated each other, many thought they have fallen apart due to gay rumors to which they reacted in completely different manners. But in truth, it had been their own way of coping; coping with the memories, broken dreams, hollow promises, and everything that got broken between them.

But beyond and before everything, all these things apart, they have sworn to each other in the past that they'll be there for one another, stand by each other no matter what. And Louis knew this is one of those time that Harry would appreciate not being by himself... least he could do is to be there for him, true to his word.

"If you are here to shout, you can save it. I had plenty for the da-y," says Harry, eyes still on the floor, his slurred voice almost cracks in the end.

Louis shakes his head.

"No. No," he mumbles stepping closer.

Harry looks up at him then, almost as if he did not want to. His eyes intense in a way which Louis was a bit too familiar. Green, calf's like and sad - something twinges him out of nowhere.

Is this a bad idea?

Louis suddenly feels hesitant, no matter how changed rest of Harry's the face looked, those clear greens with a darker shade in the edge around the iris sweeps in a familiar feeling after all this time... Louis looks down for a moment trying to shake away his racing mind. His insides warms without a reason...

What is he doing?? What the hell is he doing?

No, this is not about you, Louis. This is about Harry, Harry who had been sad and exposed moments ago. He needed someone, and that's why he, Louis was here.

Taking a breath Louis looks up at Harry again.

Hands clasped behind his back and still slouched against the wall, Harry's eyes were watching Louis, carefully, hurtfully - as if just read everything that went inside Louis' mind. Louis' heart sinks as he notices tears welling up in the green depths, his head beginning to freeze for some reason. He steps in front of him, not sure what his own self is doing. He felt too conscious about his own hands. Harry's face is close, and his perfect features lined with sadness just stares at him.


Without a thought Louis tries to touch his face, to which Harry squirms, turning his face to the side with a tightened jaw. Tears spill without hesitation, and Harry does not make any effort to hide them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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