Meeting Dismissed

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The room falls instantly silent

As I enter and take my place

The Generals are full of terror

It is written all over their face

The Resistance has escaped us

My mask it hides my shame

I look around the room of fools

To find someone else to blame

And then I see him hiding

When he usually stands so tall

His bright red hair gives him away

I growl very quietly then "Hux" I loudly call.

He tentatively steps into view

Trying everything to avoid my gaze

I stare at him so fiercely

My eyes suddenly ablaze

He tilts his head towards me

Hatred evidently so clear

He takes one more step closer

Being brave to get so near

All of a sudden he becomes courageous

He loudly laughs before he speaks

"You let them go because of that desert rat,

That bitch has made you weak"

The Generals they all gasp in fear

At what they all just heard

Most of them are shocked I sense

That for the girl I could have cared

I raise my hand instinctively

And I lift him off the floor

I feel the force run violently in my veins

As I throw him through the door

I quickly walk towards him

Taking my mask off as I go

He cowers on the ground outside

The blood starting to flow

I lean down to his level

And I stare straight into his eyes

"You're right" I softly whisper to him

"And for that you now must die"

I wrap my fingers around his throat

As I hold him in the air

I reach now for my saber

As he tries to shout "This isn't fair"

I quickly ignite my weapon

And plunge it straight into his chest

His lifeless body hangs in my grip

His black soul now put to rest

I drop him to the ground like trash

And go retrieve my mask

I place it over my head again

As I turn to the men and ask

"Anyone any questions?"

They all shake their heads quickly 'no'

"Meeting dismissed" I say to them

And they exit moving as fast as they can go

Reylo PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now