Family Tree

22 3 0

The air strike is now in progress

The battle is in full swing

We may not have the numbers

But this fight we have to win

I watch our pilots in the sky

Doing their best, giving their all

Hoping that their sacrifice

Means the Resistance will not fall

I tilt my head just slightly

As he makes his presence clear

His ship is just beyond the chaos

And my heart it beats with fear

His mind connects with mine again

"Follow me" I hear him say

I always knew we would meet again

And today will be that day

The battle is still ongoing

As I turn my craft and make my way

To finally face him once again

Though I have nothing left to say

He flies down to the planet

And lands his ship among the trees

I nervously fly towards him

Though inside I want to flee

We both walk out into the open

His black hair blowing in the breeze

The sight of him here in front of me

Makes my heart start to unfreeze

I make my way towards him

My heart beating loud and fast

Wishing beyond anything

We could erase all the bad things from our past

He slowly edges closer

His eye twitching as he goes

Preparing to ask me a question

And the answer he thinks he knows

He stops a few steps before me

His eyes latching onto mine

He takes a deep breath then starts to speak

Telling himself this will go fine

Join me Rey he whispers

I roll my eyes, jeez not again

I've already told him once before

I answer No I told you Ben

I cannot join you in the darkside

If there you insist you want to stay

But I will more than happily join you

If you meet me in the gray

His looks at me dumbfounded

Like it had never crossed his mind

He takes one more step closer

And our thoughts he tries to bind

You don't want me to turn to the light?

He asks obviously surprised

No I honestly tell him

Cause then more darkness will arise

Together we could be unstoppable

A force of both the good and bad

We each have that inside of us

If we stay apart we will go mad

I need you Ben beside me

Just as you need me

So please call off this battle

And show the galaxy what we can be

No one else needs to die

At least not here today

Put an end to all this madness

Please Ben what do you say?

You need me he says so quietly

As his fingers reach for my hand

He touches me so gently

This was not what he had planned

So we would both be light and dark then

He asks as he moves in closer still

And you would be by my side to rule

No one else I'd have to kill

Yes I eagerly tell him

And I take his face into my hands

Call off this attack

And we can get started on some plans

He takes his comm link from his belt

And speaks loudly and very clear

Stop the attack immediately

There is nothing for us here

The war above us stops at once

His fleet it starts to leave

The only sign that there was once a battle

Is the burning falling debris

So what happens now? He asks me

As his arms snake around my waist

His eyes devouring mine again

And his lips I want to taste

We both go back to our own sides for now

And tell them we can't stay

Tell them that the war is over

From now on there is only gray

And then we will be together

As it was always meant to be

Keeping the galaxy safe from harm

As we start our very own family tree

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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