My imaginary friend

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When I was 4 years old, my mom and I moved into a large colonial house that was built in the late 1800s. My mom always had a weird feeling about the house. There was a little bricked of section in the basement and we never knew why it was there.

My mother told me that soon after we moved into the house, I suddenly had an imaginary friend. One day, out of the blue, I told her that I had been playing with a young girl named Jenny. She thought that it was a phase and and didn't pay much attention to it. I told her that jenny wanted me to let the cat go down into the basement so that she could play with it. My mother allowed me to let the cat go down there. It never came back. That creeped her out.

Then, a few days later , I told her Jenny wanted me to go down into the basement to play with her. My mother refused and told me to go upstairs to bed. I did and woke up the next morning, I had deep scratches on my back and legs.

My mom decided to research the history of the house. She found an old picture of the house and the family who used to live there. She showed me the picture and asked if I recognized any of them. There where 7 little girls in the picture and, without hestitation, I pointed to one of them. The names of all the family members where written on the back. The little girl I had pointed to was named Jenny.

My mother got scared, because during her research, she had discovered that the little girl named Jenny had gone down into the basement one day and was never seen again. The family never found her and they moved shortly after that.

After I identified the girl in the picture, it was all way too much for my mom to handle. We moved out of the house and found somewhere else to live. When I turned 18 , my mom told me all about what had happened in that house. It's still scares me when I think about it.

This is not my story it is one I looked up on the internet, expect more of these to come ( these are not my stories but I thought I would give you some scary stuff to read without looking it up for some odd reason

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