What about shelter?

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Tortilla tortuga had a feeling crabbo stabbo wouldn't hurt him, despite being the most aggressive species although not the strongest.

Legend has it they would fight a cheetah knowing they wouldn't win but they would do it anyways because they're very hostile.

Tortilla tortuga decided to be friends with crabbo stabbo. He wanted to take crabbo stabbo on the quest.

Crabbo stabbo looked at tortilla tortuga questioningly. Tortilla tortuga wrote in the sand that he needs food or else he will starve.

Crabbo understood this and brought crabbo meat, which is cannnibalism.

Um? Tortilla tortuga thought. Just another day in the corn fields.

Nonetheless, tortilla tortuga had to deny the offer since he can only eat tortillas. Any other food would poison him and he would die within minutes.

Either way, tortilla tortuga looked for a way to keep crabbo stabbo in moisture and take him on the quest. He saw a red wagon with barnacles around it and seashells in it nearby. The wagon had tiny shells of bivalves around the insides.

Tiny American bivalve colony on driftwood, year 1022, colorized

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Tiny American bivalve colony on driftwood, year 1022, colorized. Photograph taken by Area 51 slaves.

Tortilla tortuga thought of a way to get water inside it. He came up with a marvelous idea. He would find a huge shell and carry ocean water to the wagon.
Tortilla tortuga used his hands to pick up a shell and fill it with water.

After the wagon had enough water, tortilla tortuga wrote on the sand to crabbo stabbo. It read, "What do you eat?"

"Oh hey m8 XD I'm new here haha I like 2 eat lots of seafood lol <3"

Tortilla tortuga recognized this writing style from the deepest pits of tumblr. He saw the chef on there. The chef had many books so tortilla tortuga ate them and consumed the knowledge so he was able to read.

Tortilla tortuga knew the barnacles on the wagon wouldn't be enough for crabbo stabbo to eat, but he could tell there was protozoa in the water.

He remembered they needed shelter. He wrote to crabbo stabbo, "Hey, do you want to come on a quest for survival with me? You'll have to get in the wagon for now though, but we'll find you a fancier place."
"Sure m8 haha :3 I'm bored anyways so yeah :/ I'll come with XD"

Tortilla tortuga walked crabbo stabbo to the wagon, and he remembered the chef once took him and three other tortilla tortugas to a very fancy hotel nearby. They would have to walk for a while though, but tortilla tortuga had devoured many exercise books.

Tortilla tortuga pulled the wagon until they finally arrived at the hotel. Finally they would have shelter.

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