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please read summary first.
hey, it's your favorite fuck up delsin. (i must really have high standards for myself if i think i'm your favorite fuckup) lately i've been really thinking about my life, and where i am right now; i look back on the decisions i've made leading up to now, and god it's been depressing thinking about it honestly, but at the same time i find myself trying to reconcile with decisions i could of made, but theres no point because i already missed my chance to make the decision. i honestly don't know where i'm going with this, and i wish i could describe it, but that would mean having to describe every impacting moment i've gone through, and honestly I'm not up to doing that. what i can do right now is be a asshole, but also a asshole with two question; don't just simply answer them actually think about this then i think you may know where I'm coming from. do you regret where you are right now in life? if you had an opportunity to move somewhere new, and have a fresh start would you? i honestly don't know myself. i'm sorry if you are someone i know, and are reading this i truly am; i'm sorry for being a burden to you in your life.

yours truly,

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