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"Where have you been?!" Nova seethes through her teeth looking at her mother. She could barely stand as she stumbles into the kitchen. A loud groan escapes from her lips. Nova knew she was highly intoxicated and still had a hangover from the night before.

"Out," Giana slumps down into the chair at the kitchen table rubbing her forehead in frustration. "don't question me."

"You can't just leave for long periods of time and not return!"

"Ty and Viv kept asking about you." Nova lowers her tone, folding her arms across her chest demanding answers from mother.

"Well I'm here now. Besides they have you and you did well while I was out."

"They cut off the hot water," She roll her eyes, "so 'whatever you were doing' scrape something together and pay the bill!"

Nova walks away to leave her drunken mother at the kitchen table. Walking into her bedroom looking around the compact space. Her room was small and she shared it with her sister Vivian. Two twin size beds, couple of dressers, and a television occupied the tiny space. She was comfortable with her room and that's all that mattered.

She plops down on her unmade bed, feeling her body slightly bounce up from the bed spring supporting her back. Not even a minute later, hearing two pairs of feet paddling on the hard wood floor. Squeals and screams escaping from their mouths as an indication of excitement.

"Mommy's home!" Vivian's voice echoes through the apartment.

Nova wished that her siblings weren't happy for mothers arrival but they didn't understand. Sooner or later they'll get their heart broken the same way Janelle and Nova did. All of the broken promises and drunken nights coming back in a complete rotation.

Even though Nova was a lot older than Tyler when she experienced her first incident with mother. She seen herself in her younger siblings and knew they were blinded by mothers tactics. Nova remembers the day like it was yesterday, Giana came home from the bar, insanely intoxicated and high off cocaine. She was barely able to support herself.

It was a Tuesday morning around four, Nova had school in a few hours and Janelle was no where to be found. She developed motherly duties that night and ever since then it's been nonstop.

Nova sits up on her bed, her body posture was slouchy and her curls rest upon her head. She rubs her hands over her face, exhaling deeply before exiting out of her bedroom.

"I'm going out." She shuffles around the living room, grabbing a jacket and slipping on a pair of tennis shoes.

"Where to?"

"I don't know, I just need some fresh air." grasping the door knob, "Be careful." Mother mutters before turning her attention back to her children.

Nova jogs down the spiral staircase, coming into contact with the cool air. She didn't know where she wanted to go but she just needed a change of scenery.

Her feet carry her to the nearby bar in the neighborhood. The smell of sweat and cigarettes engulfs her nostrils, making her way to the bar. It wasn't busy for a Thursday night but the setting was comfortable.

She props herself on to the bar stool meeting eyes with a bartender, "What would you like to drink miss?"

The masculine smell of his cologne immediately fill her nose, he softly smiles at her. "Water. . .for now." Crossing her arms on the table, she leans closer into him.

"I'll be back." He softly chuckles, turning away from Nova to grab her drink.

"Can I help you?" Nova eyebrows furrow turning to the man next to her. "No Zayn, I just need some air." She chuckles, turning her body towards Zayn.

He moves closer, leaning against the countertop, his fingers swiftly run up and down her arm. "You're not very good at following instructions."

She lazily shrug her shoulders, looking directly into his eyes, "And your point?"

He chuckles at Nova's statement, his fingers softly caress the side of her cheek. He pulls her face closer to his, his fingers tightly entangle into her curls. A gasp escapes from her lips, feeling his fingers harshly tug down on her hair. The force of his tug causes her neck to jerk back a little bit.

"I don't want you here or near this place. If you come back, it's going to be a problem." Zayn whispers into her ear and slowly lets go of her.

"Don't tell me what to do. You don't own me!" Nova yells pushing him away. A low chuckle escapes from his plump lips, his index finger traces over his bottom lip. "You're so fucking stubborn Nova."

Slowly rolling her eyes, she stares deep into his hazel ones. "Zayn, will you please just leave me alone?" Nova question him, turning her head towards the dancers trying to distract herself from the situation.

"Hmm, no."

"Your water, miss? Sorry for the wait." The bartender, sits the glass of water in front of her. "Thanks." Nova flirtatiously smiles at him as their eyes lock together.

"Daniel take a break." Zayn interrupts the twos little moment, "I just got here boss." The young man mutters, wiping the counter top off with a white clothe.

"Did I stutter?" His tone becomes more assertive  and cold as the man quickly scatters feeling the tension arising between him and his boss.

"You're such an ass." Nova spats cocking her eyebrow up, taking a few sips of her water. "And your point?" He mocks her tone, sitting down on the bar stool next to her.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home with your siblings?"

She was thrown off by his questions, unsure if he was being sarcastic or genuine. "I-i, like I said I needed a break. And besides their mother is home."

"Giana is back? Ahaha." A small chuckle escapes from his lips, "and your sister Janelle?"

"What about Janelle?" The question caught her attention, a worried look overcomes her face. "have you spoken or see her?" She questions him.

"No and I've told you this already. Following in your mother's foot st-" before he could finish his sentence, his designer suit was soaked with iced water.

"Fuck you!" She mutters, throwing the glass behind the bar which caused glass to shatter everywhere. "Hmm, I didn't think you had it in you." He chuckles, unbuttoning his soaked suit jacket.

Nova stands up from the bar chair, "I know you know where she is! Just tell me!" She demands him, her cheeks turned slightly red from screaming in his face.

"I'm not sure of her discreet location but she went down to Miami for a business trip."

"A business trip," Nova harshly swallows, "what type of business?"

"Come on Nova, what other type of business do you think your sister qualifies for?" He questions, she blanks out. He gives a hint but she didn't want to hear it.

"And you let her go?"

"Well one, she's a grown women and secondly she was looking for work. She's in good hands, I'm not going to let anything happen to your sister." Zayn admits, standing up from the bar stool.

"When is she coming back?"

"You ask a lot of damn questions," he sighs loudly, "look go home and get some rest. She's fine." He gives her a friendly punch on the shoulder, leaving the bar area. Nova stands there, trying to soak in the realization that her sister is possibly selling her body for money.

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