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Nova's eyes slowly flutter open to meet the bright sun that was peeking through the black curtain. She takes a deep inhale before pulling the duvet sheets off of her body. Immediately realizing that the room wasn't hers from the comfortable silky sheets. She sits up in the bed, her feet dangling on the side as she takes a couple of minutes to gather herself together. Although she didn't has a hangover, her head was pounding from being dehydrated.

Her eyes roam around the sizable room, there wasn't a lot of furniture that occupied the medium-sized space. Besides the California King-sized bed, there were a couple of dressers, and a mounted television. The simplicity made the room really elegant, there were some accessories but nonetheless, the room was spotless.

Nova's feet finally meets the bamboo hardwood floor, the cool flooring causes goosebumps to form upon her skin. She saunters towards one of the dressers, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was dry, bags formed underneath her eyes, and her curls were very dry.

Nova rubs her hands over her face and attempts to fix her curls. Although she looked a hot mess and desperately needed a shower, she still wanted to look half decent before coming face to face with the man who owned the penthouse.

Her legs carry her out of the bedroom, her chocolate eyes admire the expensive graffiti paintings hanging on the wall in the living room. The aroma of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs immediately fill her nostrils. Nova follows the smell of the breakfast food into the kitchen finding a middle-aged woman cutting some fresh fruit.

She then notices Zayn sitting at the island drinking a cup of tea. "Well good morning." He chuckles, Nova was thrown off by the greeting and the fact that she was in his house. One of reasons why she needed to limit her drinking because she always went overboard. 

"Um good morning. What happened last night?" She questions, walking closer to him. "So you don't remember," he chuckles,"you were plastered last night and wasn't in the right state of mind."

"Well, I remember bumping into you and some girl named Kenzie or something." Nova takes a seat next to Zayn. "Kinsley and yes that's about it." He ends their conversation not wanting to dwell on the fact that the two were close to having sex.

But she didn't believe him, Nova starts to pick at the hem of the shirt not remembering changing out of clothes. Something was off about the situation, she was known to be very handsy when drunk.

"Oh well thanks." Nova murmurs, "Maisie made us brunch. So eat then I'll send my driver to take you home."

Maisie places an empty crystal glass cup in front of Nova, "What would you like to drink Miss?"

"Water, water is fine." Nova turns her attention to Zayn's chef. Maisie was a middle-aged woman who's been working for Zayn for a few years now. It was one of the few women that he trusted in his life. He seen her as a motherly figure and someone he could rely. Which he didn't have many people in his life that he trusted.

Maisie softly places the squared dish in front of Nova, her mouth quickly waters at the sight of the food in front of her eyes. The smoked salmon was placed perfectly on top of the avocado toast accompanied with some eggs on the side. It's been a while since she's had smoked salmon, it used to be a breakfast staple in her household.

"Dig in," Maisie warmly smiles and pours some more hot tea for Zayn.

Nova picks up the avocado toast taking a large bite. She chews slowly attempting to savor the taste and also ignore any form of conversation with Zayn.

"This can't happen again," Zayn mutters taking a sip of his tea, "so don't be fucking stupid next time."

"I didn't ask for your help," Nova tries to play dumb knowing that she was thankful Zayn was there for her. "I wasn't going to leave you, you were ve- never mind" Zayn shakes his head in disgust at the thought of the two every engaging in sexual activities.

He didn't see her as a little sister or anything but he wanted to ensure that she was safe. Although the two grew up together, he was closer to her older sister Janelle who was only a year younger than him. They hooked up a few times in high school and once Zayn graduated that's when things went downhill for her sister.

Although Janelle didn't have the same father as Nova. Nova's father treated Janelle like she was his own and tried to establish a father-daughter relationship between the two. Nova's father despised Zayn, at first he loved the kid but after Janelle came home with a black eye he did everything to keep the two apart.

But it obviously didn't work in his favor, Nova's mother didn't really have a say in their relationship. Giana knew the relationship was toxic but she wasn't too fond of her daughter. Nova still was unaware of the reason why she couldn't try harder to be a mother to Janelle.

Nova knew that Janelle was searching for the love that she desperately needed from her own mother. She tried to establish a close bond with her older sister but it was hard for the two sisters. Janelle knew the relationship was toxic with Zayn but he was the only person to ever show her love and affection.

Janelle loved Zayn more than herself, which was a major red flag in their relationship.

"Trust it won't happen again," Nova rolls her eyes at Zayn's disgusted face. "Your sister comes home today." Zayn announces, knowing Nova was waiting for her sister to come back from Miami. "Hmm, it's been a month." Nova chews on her bottom lip, some times when her sister returned home she was a different person.

"Where is she staying? What time?" Nova questions, knowing that Zayn knew but he probably wouldn't tell her. "I don't know." He stands up from the bar stool, grabbing Nova's plate and placing the dishwater into the sink.

She exhales, "Of course," she mutters watching as Zayn washes the few dishes that had accumulated within a short period of time.

"well I know she's going to come see you." Nova states, Janelle made sure to visit Zayn when she came back from her trips and still tried to establish a relationship. Zayn barely put any effort into it but made sure to be there when she needed drugs or when they were both sexually frustrated.

"Can I stay one more night and I'll go home tomorrow." Nova's brown eyes takes in the view of the living room in front of her. She wasn't sure if her mother was still upset with her. She would have her moods and then be fine within the next week. "Sure but you leave in the morning." Zayn says while he dries his hands with the dish rag, leaning his back on the counter for support.

"Thanks." Nova was very tempted to embrace him in a hug but she refrained herself from doing so.

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