paintball | Benedict Cumberbatch

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A/n: I clearly got inspired by the picture of Ben!  Happy reading x

A/n: I clearly got inspired by the picture of Ben!  Happy reading x---

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Benedict invited you to a paintball game since you've told him you haven't done it before. When you arrived at the field Benedict ran over to you his body all muddy and he clearly got 'shot' with a paintball gun.
"Hey sweetheart! " he said as he tried to hug you, so he's not ruining your outfit.

"Come on I'll show you around and give you the gear and something to wear. It might be a little too big for you but you'll be fine! "He added happily and took your hand, running with you across the field to get you all dressed up.
As you stepped out, fully dressed in your outfit for the day (which was clearly a little to big for you)  Benedict already got you a helmet and put it on you.
"Gorgeous! Now you're all set up! " he smiled as he gave you the paintball gun and explained to you how to use it and told you some of his strategies not to get hit.
"Does it hurt when you get shot with the paintball gun though?" Was the first question you asked and all you heard was Benedict saying "let's find out" as he pointed the gun at you and a blue spot appeared on your leg. You kinda screamed in surprise and in pain. "You bloody asshole Ben!" You gave in reply as he hugs you tightly. "I swear I am so sorry Babe. Please forgive me!" he said as you both started to laugh. "I'll win this match you looser" is all you said before you ran into the battlefield, trying to hide from Benedict as you tried to attack him from behind. And in surprise you won the second match against Benedict.

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