chapter 8: what now?

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it's 4th of September today, i go back straight to where everything started, i go back to the same day,when everything seemed perfect, where everything was falling right into place. when i became his.

'i will be waiting for your reply but i not forever.' ,said he

'sure, i'll let you know' i smiled.

'hey!.. yo ,ask me out..'. i said

'what?' he asked in amusement

' just ask me out!' i replied.

'okay.. will you go out with me?' he chuckled

'yes, i'll go out with you..' i told him

and that's pretty much it. thats how we started our relationship. it actually took me ages to just say a 'yes' to him. and there, i said it. i let it out, because i didn't want to him to be waiting.. forever.he had true feelings for me and i wanted to make him feel that way. i still can't figure out why it took so long. it was this day when i realised i loved him.

now look at me, alone, sad, depressed. because i loved him too much. they say,you got to let go whatever you love the most. its true.thats what happened to me. i sit back and relive those memories, again and again....

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