Alexis Banks

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Wassup everyone its ur girl Alexis Banks. I'm on the cheerleadin' and dance team, been doin' it since freshman year and I'm one of da best y'kno'mean. If u haven't figured out by now is I'm from N'awlins and Zaire and Ny'eem are my brothers, I'm very close to them. Oh and anotha thang I rap so Seven wants me to spit some bars for this Do U Mind song but it's the girl version

What parts do yall have already?

We have Seven's part, we need ur part and if u can get ur girl to sing on it that'll be good too

I keep askin' her to do but she is stalin'

N o I don't

Okay den sang on dis track

Fine, I'll do it

Good, I'm gonna play the track

Plays track

Oh I got it, damn Seven I didn't kno u could've rap like dat

End of song

U kno' wat we should do 

Wat girl

We should do a mash-up wit da orginial song

That would be a good idea

So Jasmine, I'm gonna need u to give me a verse by da end of dis week okay?

Okay I got u

Yall I'm hungry

Let's go to I Hop

Let's bring our boyfriends

Yall do kno' dat I have no boyfriend rt

I can tell Zaire to bring Ny'eem

Sure or I can call him myself

When did u get his numba?

Da otha day when I was a footlocker, did yall kno' dat he works dere?

Yea I kno dat my brotha works dere

Lexis, did u just say "brotha"?

Yes gurl, Ny'eem nd Zaire r my brotha

So dat means Seven is sis-in-law

Nd Jasmine is gonna be ur futura sis-in-law


 Idk bout futua, we don't talk like dat

But yall talk rt

Yea ig. He asked me out on a date next week

Fr wat'cha say

I told him ill see

Girl u betta call him nd tell him yes

Okay, okay I will

Good shit, u need a man in ur life


Where do yall wanna eat at?

Can we go to big maw's house, I haven't seen her in a while

Yea, I wonda if Zaire's gonna be dere?

Y don't u ask him, he is ur man

Tru, Tru he is dat. Maybe he might bring Ny'eem

Yall r getting' on my nerves

But u love us tho

Yea by force 

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