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I had stood, unable to move, as I watched my lover fell into a deep hole. I ran as fast as my legs would allow, as Leon's body was wrenched forward and down the opening.

I threw myself forward and slid along the ground, paying no heed to the abrasions I received, as I thrust my hand downward, but I could not reach. I had not been fast enough, nor my arm long enough. I screamed his name, as he fell further into the void and I watched him hit the rocks below.

My heart broke in two at that moment, as I knew my lover, my Leon, was never coming back to me and there was nothing I could do about it.

I can still see him far below, in the dying light and I keep my eyes on him, before the darkness steals him from me entirely.

I sit on the ground, staring down into the precipice, deciding whether or not I should join him. I push the unpleasant thought away. Leon would not have wanted me to die. No. He had ended his life to save mine and I was going to honor his sacrifice.

Slowly, I stand up and step back from the edge, both literally and figuratively, while I look down into the hole as the moon rises above me. The pale light allows me to see my lover's body. And as I gaze upon his remains, I say a prayer for his soul. Though not being knowledgeable in the art, I'm not certain how effective my words are.

I can't say how long I remained there, but it was a long time. At length, I turn around, I have a life to live and a life to live up to.

I'm not sure where I am going, but it doesn't stop my departure. Along the way I am besought by bandits. There are five of them and they approach me cautiously, as I have the demeanor and weapon of a warrior. I'm surrounded, but not unprepared, as my warrior instinct kicks in and I hold myself ready.

They all charge simultaneously and I take them on as they drew near.

I deflect the blade of the first bandit and duck the second. The third strikes at me from behind and I deftly dodge, as I dance in front of the fourth one, who's not prepared and I smash the hilt of my blade into his stomach.

He collapses and drops his blade, he's out of the fight. The fifth tries charging me with his blade pointed in front of him. Rookie move. I bat the weapon out of his hands as I sidestep his advance and use my free hand to throw him to the ground.

After that, the blades come at me one after the other and I deflect and block the attacks, as I hold to the center of the field.

Normally, I would have given myself entirely to battle, thinking of nothing else, but I can't. My mind keeps focusing on Leon, on the last night we spent together, when we finally consummated our love. I dwell upon the last time I saw him, his face, just before he fell. The lie I told to try and pull him back from the edge, but I had failed, he was too far gone.

The tears stream from my eyes and I scream with each swing of my blade, causing the bandits to hesitate. They think I'm mad or possessed.

Little by little, they retreat more and more, but I am not finished. In my sorrow is rage and I need to lash out. I barely register what's going on as I beat my opponents soundly and I can't be certain who's dead and who is merely unconscious.

Now there is only myself, heaving and sweating profusely, but I'm not alone, as I had presumed.

There's a single bandit still standing, just in front of me, who is more boy than man. He holds his sword at the ready, as he eyes his surroundings. He sees the bodies of the fallen and my blade. I am ready for him, but he's not going to even try and take me. Instead, he drops his weapon, falls to his knees and begs for his life.

I stand silently over him, but I can feel the adrenaline leaving me and my body feels weak. I brace myself using my blade, as I drop to my knees. I weep and cling tightly to the cold blade.

A hand graces my shoulder and I see the boy kneeling before me, a strange look on his face. I throw my arm around him and hold him close, as I cry on his shoulder.

All of my emotions are pouring out of me at the same time and even my rage goes with them, leaving me a cold, empty shell. I appreciate the warm body the boy provides, as I'm not certain how I would have coped hugging my stiff blade.

"Are you okay, lady?" the boy asks, staring up at me through the embrace.

I am not, so I bury my head deeper, as I continue to weep. I can feel the boy squirm within my embrace, so I held him tighter. Then, I let him go and sink further within myself.

I'm exhausted and ready to lie down on the dirt for a rest, but it is not to be. Without a word the boy stands up and helps me to my feet.

He slides my sword in its sheathe and loops my arm around his shoulders, so that he supports most of my weight. In this fashion, we walk away from the battle and down the road, where, after a seeming eternity, we come upon an inn.

I'm losing consciousness, so I am barely aware of the exchange that takes place. I only knew that I'm being led away, up some stairs, which are very difficult in my current state. Over a floor, through a door and finally, lain upon a bed. I can feel the boy remove my boots and slide my legs onto the bed. I feel him push my body further onto the soft platform.

I extend my arm, take hold of his head and bring his ear to my mouth.

"Thank you," I whisper, weakly.

The boy returns my embrace and brings his lips close to mine, as he makes to kiss me. I am not having it, not even in my vulnerable state. I take hold of his throat and bring his ear close.

"No," I whisper, simply.

The boy takes the hint and stands, after I release him. I listen to his footfalls, as he leaves the room. I close my eyes and let sleep overtake me. I don't dream, but I do have visions. I see the faces of all the people I have ever known pass before me, along with a myriad of faces I don't know.

Mama's is the first one I recognize and I feel a great longing toward her and all the other members of my former company.

Damon is the last of these faces and I feel rage seep inside me. Next is Marissa and my rage subsides to a simmer. Then, Leon shows up and the tears well up inside of me and I sink inside myself.

Unlike the others, Leon steps outside of his visage, crosses the distance and places a hand upon my face in the manner I had done before.

I rise to my feet and we share an embrace. I feel a calm well within me that passes throughout my body. The feeling stays with me, after I awaken. I leave the inn and carry on my way, all alone.

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